Chapter III: Into the wolves den.

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    Darlad stops his men just a few miles from the city of Zorin. He Gives orders to be passed down the line, ordering his men into a formal battle formation for the rest of the march. It wouldn't be the first time that he had to lay siege to a town after they bar their gates. No one resists the Empire with out penalties. To bar your gates after your defeat only cause your taxes to be that much higher and the toll much worse. "I do hope they don't try to fight us." Darlad mutters to him self, "I have really had enough of killing for the day." Darlad slumps into his saddle with the thoughts of having to lay siege to a town filled with women and children. Bunshichii moves in closer picking up on Darlad's mood. "Don't worry boy. They shouldn't fight us." Bunshichii offers a sincere pat tot eh back instead of his infamous bone rattling ones. "You saw it in their troops. They didn't even want to be there in the first place." "But yet they did." Pleads Darlad weakly. He straightens him self once again remembering that he still has men to lead and to take home. "To show emotion as a commander is a sign of weakness, It spreads through your ranks like wild fire. causing men to lose focus, to worry. It slows their reaction time, and ultimately weakens your force. A good leader must never let his worries or concerns to show. He must radiate confidence at all times!"  The words of his father rings loudly in his head. Bunshichii, noticing the change in Darlad's posture, gives him a nod "I see you finally remembered where you boy. Just in time, it looks like we are ready to march again." Bunshichii nods to the soldier that is approaching. "Report?" asks Darlad "Sir, the troops are prepared. We are ready for an attack at anytime, and ready to give a counter attack if need be. The engineers are standing by as well, in case orders are called for the building of our siege weapons."  Darlad nods, "Good, you are dismissed solider." he gives a salute and quickly hurries back to his place in line. "Ready to move then?" asks Bunshichii, "Like I really have a choice in the matter."  retorts Darlad "I suppose none of us really have a choice in the end. Our lives are already determined by fate. Face it boy, this is your destiny, and your sons destiny when you bare one." Bunshichii replies soberly. I can't think that. No I can't accept that. That I have no control over the course of my life. I am the one in charge here, aren't I? The last thought more than rattles him, but he nods to Bunshichii, ending the conversation there. "Men! We march onto the city of Zorin. Be prepared and keep your eyes peeled." With that they were on the move again.

    Less then an hour passes and the walls of Zorin are in view. "So far so good." says Bunshichii, taking note of the lack of guards on the walls. There is no guards placed at the gates, which is of no surprise, seeing the mass of human forms approaching the city. "Lets hope our luck continues then." replies Darlad bleakly, but with the hint hope. I would love today would end without me ordering more lives lost. He thinks soberly to him self. Darlad raises his hand ordering the army to a halt. "Gather a troop of riders, and a few ground units and meet me back here." Bunshichii nods and turns and goes off to find an appropriate troop of men and a banner carrier. None of this being new to him he quickly heads out and makes his choices. Darlad rides out a bit, separating him self from ear shot. Needing sometime alone to go through his thoughts. "Please lord, let this go by without another death." he says hopelessly to him self. "I would love to end today with some what of a clean conscious." Nothing haunts him more then having to execute a family because they refuse to listen. The look of defiance on their face. The hate in their eyes, as they damn you to the nine hells. The look of fear and confusion in the children's eyes. Darlad rests his forehead into his hands and pulls on his hair. "I can't keep doing this. No matter how hard I try. I can never grow used to this life of constant death." "Everything alright boy?" Asks Bunshichii as he approaches, the look of concern in his eyes. Darlad jumps, not hearing  his old friend approach. "Yes, I am alright. Thank you for asking, Just a headache is all." Darlad says a little to weakly, Bunshichii nods, not buying the excuse for a second but let it drops there. "If you say so boy. Well come along, the troop is ready, and I would like to get this done before night falls around us and we can't even see our feet below us." "Of course." agrees Darlad, wanting to be done with this as fast as possible. They ride back together in silence. Darlad orders the men, that Bunshichii personally chose, to form up around them. They begin their slow march to the gates in silence. All thoughts residing directly on the job that lays before them, even Darlad puts his, ever struggling, feelings behind him and puts his best mask of indifference on. He has a country and a name to represent after all.

   Even as they reached the gate, Not even a single person can be seen. No one along the wall to call down to them. No one to raise alarm or tell them to begone. "Well that is always a good sign." mumbles Bunshichii. None of this seems right, Darlad can't help but to think to himself. Still I guess it is better than the alternative. Darlad settles his thoughts and forces himself to concentrate on what is on hand, and what is to come next. "I Darlad, son of family Ma'Thiadan, have come to you as the official voice and body of the Empire. You have committed crimes against the Empire, and raised an army that marched out to meet us in battle. Your army has been defeated, and these crimes of treason are punishable by no less than death. The Empire is forgiving tho. We have come to have you swear allegiance to the crown and to collect taxes as a fee for your crimes. Comply and all is forgiven. Deny us, and we will be forced to lay siege to your town. So I ask, what is your answer? Will you comply and become citizens of the Empire, or will you force us to raze you to the ground?"  Nothing but silence answers them as minuets pass. Please comply... Darlad thinks pleadingly to him self. As more time passes Darlad clears his throat and begins to speak again, but is cut short by the sound of gears groaning and the creaking of the gate as it slowly swings open. "Well look there boy, you got your wish after all." Bunshichii says with a chuckle, "I'll go back and gather the rest of the men. Don't do anything foolish, and at the first sign of threat I want you out of there. Do you understand?" Bunshichii says with real concern in his voice. "Of course I will. I am not that foolish." says Darlad giving his best smile. Bunshichii just raises an eyebrow and nods, "Good, I will be back shortly." with that he starts back to the rest of the men at a trot. Darlad looks back to the gate which is now fully swung open. He steals him self again, knowing ful well he is not welcomed here. "Come," he orders the guard around him "let us meet our welcoming party." Darlad says with a smile, which causes them to all laugh. They quickly form back up placing Darlad in the middle and begin their march into the wolves den.


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