I am the one. (Part 3)

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As I turned round I saw a blurred figure running towards me.

Turns out it was just john, a friend of mine, okay okay he's my crush... He's everything you'd want in a guy, caring has a good personality, and makes you laugh. I get super nervousness when I'm around him I suddenly turn into this shy and delicate girl, when he talks to me I get butterfly's and when he gives me the half smile, I just melt inside.

He's medium height, with bright blue sparkling eyes, and has the most perfect brown silky hair.

As he was running toward me he was shouting my name, he came up saying I left my geography book in class, I awkwardly took it from him, my hand touched his, I suddenly felt like I was the only girl in the world.

As we were walking he mentioned he liked things not many guys were into, I suddenly felt scared. 'Im in too creepy pasta which is a--' 'OMG YOUR INTO CREEPY PASTA?' I awkwardly shouted, I apologised for shouting and he awkwardly laughed, it was the highlight of my day, just walking with him, and talking about all the creepy pastas.

As we were saying goodbye he gave me his number and he said we should go out sometime, I acted cool on the outside but inside I was jumping and screaming! I mean could this day get any better!

I clearly jinxed it, when I got home my house was a mental institution. For my birthday this year I got quite a bit of makeup, and when I got home my sisters got at it. I was furious it was all crushed and spilled over the floor. My mom was screaming at me for forgetting my key once again. And again, my dad was just sitting there eating pancakes.

But once I finished all off my homework, I was getting into bed and john texted me....

I am the one. -jeff the killer romance-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu