It All Started in Drama Class

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"Our spring musical is Phantom of the Opera"
As soon as Mrs. Darbus made her announcement, Sharpay let out a huge scream.
"I call playing Christine! And Ryan can play the Phantom! And Troy can be Raoul. Oh I didn't forget about everyone else. It's okay to be in the ensemble."
Taylor rolled her eyes. "Not that I have any interest in auditioning but the Phantom has a name you know."
"Ugh!" Stop showing off your smartness!" Sharpay screamed.
Ryan and Gabriella looked and just rolled their eyes.
"You two can figure this out at auditions next week" Mrs. Darbus said. "I hope to see many of you there"
Le timeskip brought to you by Christine's mirror
"Wait you're seriously auditioning?" Chad asked.
"Yeah. What's the worst that could happen?" Troy asked.
"Remember what I told you about Micheal Crawford's picture? Do you want a photo of you to be put in my refrigerator?" (A/N: an actual thing that happened in the first movie. Chad's mom has Micheal Crawford's picture in her refrigerator)
"I'm still auditioning. No matter what.  And I'll still play on the basketball. Since when have the shows stopped me?"
Chad didn't argue with Troy. "Do what you want man" he sighed. 
Somewhere else (the music room)
"Gabriella, you should audition for Christine! You'd be great!"
"I don't know, Kelsi." Gabriella said. "I don't think I'd be good."
"You'd be great! You're actually a lot like her. A beautiful brunette who takes over as the female lead from the diva. Then the diva comes back but does not become the lead anymore. You practically are Christine Daaé!" Kelsi exclaims.
"I could try." Gabriella shrugged. "I don't know if I'd get the part. Sharpay would-"
"Who cares what Sharpay thinks? She's literally the Carlotta of East High. I can work with you on the part until next week."
Gabriella smiled at her friend. Kelsi was there for her no matter what.
"You know what. It's worth a shot. If I get it that's good. If I don't, there's a thousand other shows. Let's do this!"
Kelsi smiled. She had faith in her friend and she would do everything to make sure that Gabriella Montez became the next Christine Daaé.

The Phantom of the High School Musical Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora