Shocked the two boys look wide eyed at me and sheepishly face forward again. I do not even feel slightly guilty about my behavior, instead I felt the butterflies in my stomach stir when I called Haley my girlfriend. I sigh, because I really hope that the moment will come soon when I will be able to call the most beautiful creature I ever met my girlfriend.

The teams begin their warm ups and my eyes are solely glued on Haley and how graceful she moves everytime she serves a ball or passes it to another girl. Their coach then walks onto the court and talks with the girls.

Soon the game starts and I notice that Haley's position is the one that requieres you to serve the ball. Her team is the first to serve and Haley chooses a jump serve, which is really impressive as the opponent team struggles to get the ball back over the net.

Haley's team is really good and I soon realize that they are going to win the first set. Haley does not play in the second set, but as the opponent team wins this one, coach tells Haley to play in the third set as they have to win this one in order to win the whole tournament.

The third set is going pretty good for Haley's team and they only have to score one more point for the win. The ball is passed to Haley's team again and Haley is going in for a dig, which looks extremely hurtful considering Haley almost chucks herself on to the floor. She manages to get the ball and another team mate jumps high enough to get the ball into the opponent's court. The ball hits the floor and this means Haley's team wins.

My eyes are, however, glued to Haley's ellbow that already started to bleed, because of the impact of her dig. Immediately I jump up and run to the court only to see Haley getting taken care of already. The girls have gathered around her, but apparently it is not that bad, because Haley is laughing and talking to them.

They walk into the dressing room and the people on the benches walk outside except of families and friends.

A while later Haley's team emerges from the dressing room and I immediately spot Haley. I walk towards her and take her bag, which she carried on her shoulder.

"I'll take that! Are you hurt bad? That looked pretty nasty!", I tell her and instantly take a look at her ellbow, which is now wrapped in a bandage.

Haley places the other hand reassuringly on my chest and softly tells me: "It wasn't that bad. Believe my I had worse!"

My eyes shoot to hers and I want to know: "How bad?"

Haley grimaces and says: "Let's tak about food instead, I was thinking pizza?"

I smile at her and nod my head.

Haley says goodbye to her team mates, who are all looking in my direction one at a time, and then walks to me again.

"What was that?", I ask her chuckling.

Embarrassed Haley blushes and shakes her head: "They're all just protective!"

I smile gently at her and reply: "Good to know, but I'm very protective as well."

With that I take her hand in mine and we head towards my car again.

"Is it alright that I'm stealing you from your team tonight?", I want to know worriedly. I want Haley's friends to like me and them not being mad at me that I stole their treasured friend.

Haley shakes her head in denial and responds: "It wasn't that big of a tournament so we're not celebrating tonight, but even if we did I already promised you this evening."

I smile happily at her making time for me and open her car door.

"Why didn't you shower?", I tease her.

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