Soccer Game (Part 1 & 2)

Beginne am Anfang

The game was finally about to start and you were hoping Mark would be pretty decent. He's never played soccer before though you were sure the guy would be fine considering his skills. Aside from different languages that is (lol).

And so the game began. Fortunately your team, the foreigners, got the ball. BamBam was doing pretty well until Jinyoung came in and swept the ball away from his feet taking it for himself.

"Ah, come on BamBam!" You teased causing the guy to bend over and laugh. Snapping back to reality you realized Yugyeom had kicked the ball and it was headed straight for you. Throwing your knee up and luckily stopping the ball. "Watch it!" You yelled at Yugyeom who looked apologetic while slightly holding back his laughter.

You glared at him before mouthing, 'It's on.' He narrowed his eyes in response before you started with the ball. Kicking it but slowly so it would still be in your possession. When getting close to the goal, where Jaebum was the goalie. You kicked the ball hard sending it flying towards the net scoring a goal.

"Hah in your face!" You yelled jumping to reach Yugyeom's height. He was staring at you with a cheeky smile, that one that always made your heart flutter. "S-Stop looking at me like that...." You muttered, looking down as blush rose to your cheeks.

"And how am I looking at you?" Yugyeom taunted as he took a step closer to you who felt extremely embarrassed considering the rest of Got7 was watching.

"U-Um....the others are watching." You explained as an excuse and pointed slightly behind Yugyeom. Suddenly he got flustered realizing that the others were indeed watching and hid his embarrassment by covering his cheeks with his hands. "Anyway....the score is one to nothing!" You retorted changing topics, giving the peace sign to Yugyeom who rolled his eyes with a smile and walked back over to his team.

"Yeah, yeah." You heard him say in the distance. And so the game continued.

P A R T - T W O ~

You just finished up your game, foreigners won thirteen to seven. Hah! The sun was setting causing different shades of red, orange, blue, and gold rays to cascade across the sky. The weather was beautiful there with a light breeze.

"It's so nice out!" You commented as you all walked from to field back to the cars. You breathed in the fresh air, it felt like one of those summer days when you were kid and went out during the evening to play with friends. Run around, play ball or man hunt.

The others laughed at you while putting the ball away. Unfortunately the eight of you had to split up into different cars after deciding to go get some ice cream.

Arriving at the ice cream buffet you all ordered what you wanted and sat down to eat. You sat next to Yugyeom of course and BamBam was on the other side. Who was by the way on his phone like he always is.

"Boy you best get off that damn phone." You scolded causing BamBam to laugh and put his phone away before you had a chance to grab it.

"Watch your profanity!" BamBam snapped back dramatically, "You're the maknae, so watch it~" He said lowly while you all took a bite of your ice cream. Sighing you looked to your other side only to find Yugyeom on his phone as well.

"Are you fu-, fudging kidding me?" You said with a laugh, catching yourself before landing the f-bomb. You knew Yugyeom was doing it just to piss you off. He put his phone away and set his arm around your shoulder sweetly. You of course automatically leaned into him enjoying the comfort.

The eight of you finished your ice cream and headed back to JYP's building. You all were going to sleep in the dance practice room. Lay out a few blow up air mattresses with blankets and pillows. Along with putting a projector and projection screen in the room to watch movies on. Tonight was a horror movie marathon night. The usual and cliché. This sure will suck for Jackson. That pussy hah!


Everyone was in their spots, comfortable and settled in. You walked in the room with four bowls of popcorn handing one to every other person. Lastly you put the movie in.

Jogging over to your spot before the movie started, Yugyeom already had his arm out inviting you in. Accepting you lay down, his arm under you. Of course like always BamBam was on your other side. All you were ready for was Jackson being scared shitless. It'll be rich!

It was about forty five minutes into the movie and it was full of jump scares. However Yugyeom wasn't one to get scared easily.

"Don't get scared guys." Jackson said, ironic. You all knew what was coming next.

"Okay~" Everyone said in unison and monotone. About two minutes later there was yet again another jump scare. Of course like you all expected, Jackson screamed like a little girl. I swear that boy is weaker than elementary school relationships when it comes to scary movies. You told yourself humorously. Youngjae and Mark jumped slightly along with you. Yugyeom gave you a small, reassuring squeeze.

"Hey Jackson...." You started, trying not to laugh.

"What?" He responded as confidently as possible. Not being able to help it you laughed a little.

"...Don't get scared."


The second movie was playing and Mark, Jaebum, and Jinyoung were already out and asleep.

Your eyes got heavy and you started drifting in and out of consciousness. But of course you had to have one of those moments where you jump slightly with a feeling of free falling and jerked awake.

You heard BamBam laugh, "Just go to sleep." He said while on his phone. Reaching your hand over clumsily you ended up knocking BamBam's phone out of is hands and it fell on his face. "Ow!"

You laughed slightly and looked up to see Yugyeom was asleep. He looks so cute when sleeping. Sighing happily you put an arm across his chest as to hug him. His grip tightened and he pulled you closer. fell asleep in your beloved's arms.


Hello lovelies! How was it? Sorry it wasn't exactly what I expected but oh well! I'm honestly struggling a lot rn because Yugyeom moved from being tied with Mark for my bias wrecker, to being tied with BamBam for my bias! I'm going insane I swEAR, A H H H H H!
Haha, hope you all enjoyed!
Thanks for reading!



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