Between You, Me, and Him

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i know girls are always going on and on about how pretty/ugly/fat/unhealthy/etc they are, but i ain't gonna do that. i'm listing what people say about me, to me. feel free to rant in the comments or PM me. no pity party, please. i'm just here to rant and i honestly don't expect anyone to read these.



bitches like my classmates seem to think the way i dress is a good reason to stick me as some emo high schooler. LOL. very funny. i might dress in dark clothing that covers my boobs and bum well and gives me little to no figure, but that's cuz i'm not in the mood to be called a skank and get grabbed behind a bush...

of course, if you would rather get molested in a dark alley, go right on ahead. i ain't stoppin you.



because i do not talk like a barbie on high, i have been labeled a tomboy.


i am not a tomboy. i enjoy shopping. i enjoy reading sappy romance novels. i love One Direction - All of them for their voices, Liam cuz he's hot and caring; Niall cuz he's adorable and sweet; Harry cuz he's such a cute flirt; Louis cuz he's all "I'm kewl like dat"; and Zayn cuz he's so playful and amazayn... i gush over pics of Niall's adorability all night while listening to stuff like "Moments" and "Should've Kissed You" etc. i've memorized each of their songs.

i'm not into sports, video games, or whateva guys these days dig.

GET THAT. i am not a tomboy.


"FAT. UGLY." etc.

aw, thanks. bitch.

i'm not gonna go and deny all those because i know there will always be those arses out there who will tell me otherwise.

so, my lovely friends, what gave it away? my frizzy black hair? thick thighs? big lips?

i never asked for your opinion, slut.

you're welcome.



Sorry, who?



why? ;)

oh, HIM?

the guy I met about two seconds ago? the one I said "hi" to, you mean? That one?

well. Now that you mention it...he's hot. and your boyfriend. I might just take a shot at it.

it's actually happened before. Twice, lol. walking down an empty hallway after school while waiting for my dad, when some guy comes running out of a room. he steadies me, I check him out, his girlfriend walks out of the doorway and bitch slaps me.

I just stand there, like, DUDE CHILL.

the second time was better. as in, funnier. hilarious.

school plays suck, right?

it sucks worse when you're playing a prissy princess who falls in love with a douchey prince. Who, by the way, has a girlfriend in RL.

we were rehearsing a dance alone, when his airhead girlfriend walked in on us, had absolutely no idea what we were actually doing, and promptly burst into tears before screaming at me and running out of the room.

the funny thing is, her boyfriend did absolutely nothing. he just kept right on dancing. With yours truly.


so, apparently...I have two fans. LOL.

I did actually laugh when I read it in my news feed. My reaction was WTF ish.


umma, I won't be posting my story until I've finished the damn thing, because I've read up on other newbies' work and realized most of them end up making some changes by the end. I have no doubt I'll be one of them. I don't wanna have to make you guys reread chapters because I decided to switch something around.

I have done almost four chapters. And since I edit my own stuff carefully, this is gonna take a while...

Don't expect me to post. Like, at all...not for at least a year xD suck up, suckers.



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