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High school, in a nutshell, sucks

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High school, in a nutshell, sucks. It changes people, which can either be a bad thing or a good thing. It's inevitable though, everyone and everything changes. And sometimes, things like change just happen to you. There's nothing you can do to stop it, but it's what you have to do next that matters most. It's not always about what happens, it's about what you decide to do about it.

Walking through the crowded hallways of Eden Hall has never felt so empty without all of the Ducks by my side. Even when we're all together at practice there's a thick tension that fills the quiet rink, being together may never feel the same again.

Long story short, the only reason why we are like this now is somehow because of me. A fight happened, people chose sides, and fingers were pointed in my direction. I'm not a hundred percent ready for the world to know what the fight was about, so I will leave you all with this, Adam and I are no longer together. Will we ever be? Who knows. I honestly hope so, but it's not all up to me.

Waking up for school has never felt so dreadful. I always wake up with the dying wish to just go back to sleep, but I ignore my internal begging for more sleep and drag myself out of bed to take on the day.

After straightening my hair and getting dressed I went into the kitchen to see Charlie half asleep while eating his toast.

"Well, good morning princess." I said to him while opening the fridge to get the orange juice.

"I'm the princess? You're the one that takes over an hour every morning to get ready." Charlie argued, wiping the tiredness from his eyes.

"Yeah I do, my good looks don't just happen overnight. No offense, but you should be the one to take over an hour to get ready. Your hair is not looking so amazing." I laughed and ruffled his hair.

He quickly slapped my hand away, "Hands off the merchandise."

I laughed at his feminine reaction as he fixed his hair with his fingers, with help from the reflective surface of the toaster. My laughter died down as the door burst open to reveal the one person I definitely did not want to see this fine morning.

"Charlie let's go! I told Lauren-" He started, but quickly shut his mouth when his eyes landed on me.

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to say something, but I was cut off by the sound of a car honking.

"That's Julie, I'll see you later Charlie." I said and kissed him on the cheek. I quickly grabbed my bag and purposefully bumped shoulders with Adam as I stormed out of my house.

"Hey loser! Backseat's all yours!" Connie yelled with half her body through the car's sunroof.

I rolled my eyes, "You told me yesterday that I would get the front this time!"

"Yeah, that was yesterday. Damn, stop living in the past." Connie shot back and properly sat in the front seat.

"Let's go, Conway!" Julie laughed.

I walked over to the car, got into the backseat, and slammed the door.

"Damn, if you're really that pissed you can sit in the front after practice." Connie said.

"It's not about the seat, Cons!" I accidentally snapped.

"Hads, what's wrong?" Julie asked, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"I'm sorry for snapping. It's just I saw Adam this morning, he slammed the door open and was telling Charlie to hurry up so he wasn't late to see Lauren." I sighed and put my head in my hands.

Connie then jumped from the front of the car to the back and tackled me in a hug.

"Connie what the hell! I'm driving!" Julie complained, but Connie just ignored her.

"Boys are dumb, Hads. You're beautiful, smart, and funny. You don't need him!"

"Connie, I love you a lot. But, I cannot breathe with you squeezing me that hard."

"Oops," She said and let go of me, "My bad."

"Let's get this day of hell over with, ladies." Julie said as she parked her car.

We all walked to our lockers in a comfortable silence. Once we reached mine I put in my combination and started to rummage through my things.

"I loathe her." Julie groaned, looking down the crowded hallway.

I didn't even need to look to know who she was talking about, but I did anyway. I probably shouldn't have.

There the lovely couple was, Lauren had her arms wrapped around Adam's waist and he was smiling down at her. I guess he felt my gaze on him and turned to make eye contact with me. I quickly looked away in embarrassment and looked down at the ground.

"Don't frown, Hads. Someone could be falling in love with your smile." Connie said and gave me a side hug.

Little did I know, someone was.


FINALLY THE FIRST CHAPTER HAS COME! I would've updated sooner, but I've been so freaking busy lately it's insane. Tell me how you liked the chapter:)

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