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Vanessa got out of the doctor's office being pale. Louisa stood up from her chair and looked at her worried.
- Well ?
She asked.
Vanessa opened her mouth to say something but the voice couldn't come out. She lowered her gaze, trying to avoid Louisa's eyes.
Vanessa's eyes filled with tears. Louisa hugged her tightly.
- Okay, what happened ? You've started making me worried.
Vanessa tilted her head.
- What's wrong ? Is it something serious ?
Vanessa didn't say anything.
- Please Vanessa, tell me!
- I'm.....I'm......
Louisa looked at her with expectation.
- You're what ?
- I'm pregnant.
She finally said, bursting into tears again.
Louisa was shocked at first but then a smile appeared all over her face.
- Pregnant ?
Vanessa nodded.
- I have thought so. But Vanessa that's brilliant!
Vanessa wiped her tears.
- What is Mesut going to say ?
- He'll be excited.
Louisa replied reassuringly.
- You think ?
- Of course silly! He loves you, he asked you to marry him, of course he'll be excited. I'm so happy for you Vanessa!
Louisa said hugging her tightly.
Vanessa stood still.
- I should have thought of it! How stupid can I be ?
She murmured to herself.
Louisa smiled at her.
- You just didn't expect it.
- Lou, I'm afraid. If Mesut freaks out and leaves me ? We hadn't planned for this to happen.
Louisa looked at her seriously.
- He would never leave you for such reason. Trust me.
Vanessa exhaled deeply.
- I hope you're right.

Vanessa had spent the next hours searching everything that had to do with her pregnancy. She wanted to be prepared. And she had to tell Mesut. She didn't know how though. Well, she guessed it wasn't that much of a big deal since the two of them seemed like they had sorted things out. Vanessa was still hesitant though. She would lie if saying that she wasn't afraid of his reaction a little. Mesut appeared at her place the same night. He kissed her gently and looked seriously at her.
- I'm going to tell Tanya that we have to break up. I'll do it tomorrow. I promise.
Vanessa smiled.
- Just don't tell her why. I want her to be in a good mood to play in my movie.
- Okay.
Mesut hold her in his hug for some minutes. He could sense that Vanessa was tense.
- What's wrong ?
He asked.
Vanessa tilted her head.
- Nothing.
- Are you sure ?
She nodded.
- Tell me that you didn't regret the fact that we're getting married.
- No, I didn't. Of course not.
- Then ?
Vanessa bit her lip.
- Tell me Vanessa.
He said looking straight into her eyes.
Vanessa took a step backwards. She was going to say that.
- I....I saw the doctor today.
Mesut nodded.
- And ? Everything's okay, isn't it ?
He asked.
Vanessa lowered her gaze.
- Yes. Everything's fine.
- And what did the doctor tell you ?
Vanessa tuck some hair behind her ear nervously.
- I....
- Is it something serious ?
Vanessa smiled.
- Yes it is. I mean you should be serious. And careful. And supportive.
Mesut tapped his fingers nervously.
- Tell me Vanessa.
She gathered all the courage she needed to do that. She looked him straight into the eyes and placed her hands in her stomach. Mesut looked at her and then at her hands furrowing his eyebrows.
- I'm pregnant.
Mesut was surely surprised at her words and didn't speak for a moment. Vanessa bit her lip. He didn't like it. But Mesut just smiled and placed her into a hug, kissing her hair.
- This is the best thing I've heard since you said yes to my proposal.
Vanessa laughed. Her eyes were a little wet.
- Really ?
She asked.
- Yes.
- It's been like a month, which means it happened when I came in Germany.
Mesut placed his lips on hers.
- I love you.
Vanessa smiled.
- I love you too.

Aaron smiled at him. It was maybe the only time Mesut had seen him being that supportive towards him.
- If that makes you happy, congratulations.
Mesut smiled.
- I am happy. There's still Tanya though.
He said.
- What are you going to do ?
- I have to break up with her, I just don't know how. She'll become crazy. Any ideas ?
Aaron raised his shoulders.
- Just tell her. It's possible that she'll kill you though. I mean, she thought that you asked her to marry you.
- I know. It's really complicated. I have to talk to her. And she shouldn't find out that I'm back with Vanessa and that she's pregnant.
Aaron nodded.
- Do your best mate. And good luck with that. She'll be furious.
- Yeah, tell me about it.

Louisa squeezed Vanessa's hand.
- I told you he will be fine.
Vanessa smiled.
- I know. He was happy with it actually. I thought he wouldn't be, but he was so sweet. I love him, so much Louisa.
- I know. And he surely loves you too.
Vanessa smiled.
She was so happy. Everything had fallen into place again. Well, not everything. Her eyes travelled to Tanya and she bit her lip. It was unfair that Mesut had to handle her on his own. She knew she had to do something herself. But what ?
Excuse me Tanya, Mesut wants to break up with you but he doesn't know how to say this. So could you just leave us alone, since I'm pregnant with your boyfriend's child ?
Yes, well, that didn't seem right at all.
She had to do something though. Maybe firing her ? No, that could definitely perplex things even more. She didn't want to leave Mesut on his own with this. She had to do something. Tanya didn't deserve to be treated bad despite how much trouble and heartache had caused to Vanessa. But Tanya wasn't just going to give up on Mesut and Vanessa knew that.

Mesut didn't really know how he was supposed to do this. How was he going to tell Tanya that he wanted to break up with her. He didn't have the strength to do so, he knew. Tanya was going to kill him, but he had promised Vanessa that he was going to break up with her. And he had to break up with her. He was going to marry Vanessa after all. And she was expecting their child. Mesut smiled in that thought. He had never thought that he would be happy being a part of a family. His family. He closed his eyes in that thought. He wanted to be with Vanessa since the day she first met her. Well, not exactly the first day but he had fallen in love with her pretty quickly. And he had to break up with Tanya.
He knocked on her door and she opened after a few moments. She smiled when seeing him.
- Finally,....I thought that you had forgotten that I exist.
She commented making an attempt to kiss him.
Mesut stopped her.
- Tanya....we need to talk.
The girl raised her eyebrows at him.
- Okay,....? So what happened ?
She asked letting him in.
Mesut chuckled.
He knew he had to this.
- Listen Tanya....I want to say something important. I.....well,....we....we.....this doesn't work Tanya. I'm in love with someone else.
Tanya laughed.
- In love with someone else ?
She repeated.
- Yes.
Mesut nodded.
- Let me guess.....Vanessa ?
Mesut was about to deny it, but the look on his face must have betrayed it.
- Vanessa....well,.....
- It's okay Mesut, I understand.
Her brown eyes were focused on him. But Tanya had just started.
- I don't want to play with you Tanya. I don't want to lie to you. You don't deserve it, I can't just deny my feelings. I'm in love with Vanessa. I always was. I....I never stopped being. And she's.......
Tanya chuckled.
- It's really sweet that you're still in love with her after everything she did to you.
- I was part of the problem.
- Well, Mesut, it's funny. She played with you and you're still in love with her, but there's something that you probably don't know and I don't like the fact that you'll learn it from me, neither do I want to disappoint you.
Mesut looked at her cautiously. He reminded herself that Tanya could say anything so to make him change his mind.
- What ?
He asked impatiently.
- Vanessa's pregnant.
Tanya paused for a moment.
- She's expecting Sam's child.
Mesut looked at her seriously.
- How can you say that ?
- Well, I've heard it while I was in the studio.
- And just because you've heard it doesn't mean that this is the truth.
Tanya smiled.
- It is the truth. I heard her talking about it with Louisa.
- Stop it Tanya.
He said annoyed.
- You don't like it ? It's the truth, she's still fucking with that guy. It seemed like they had broken up but of course they hadn't. Vanessa's still sleeping with him.
- And how do you know that ?
- Because she's considering of taking him back in this movie as well. Although we don't really need an other actor.
- I don't believe it.
He said.
- You don't ? You can go and ask her. Oh, that's impossible. You don't really talk, so you can't just go and ask her.
Mesut looked at her madly and decided to leave. Of course Tanya was saying bullshit. She most probably had learned that Vanessa was expecting his child and she decided to make everything she could to keep him with her. He drove to Vanessa's house, being eager to forget all these. Tanya had no clue. She wanted to make Vanessa be the bad one there. She was saying bullshit, he knew that.
He rang Vanessa's doorbell and she opened immediately smiling at him.
Mesut relaxed when seeing her. No, Vanessa loved him, she couldn't have done something like that to him, could she ? Definitely no. So why was he that nervous ?
He stormed in her house kissing her lips. Vanessa smiled.
- I've missed you. The day was endless today.
She admitted.
Mesut hugged her. He was praying that Tanya was indeed saying bullshit. What if she didn't ?
- I've missed you too.
He admitted.
- We've got like a lot of work in the studio today and the worst part is that I have to recall some of the previous cast because I can't just go back to auditions.
Mesut looked at her while Tanya's sayings were in his head.
- Like who ?
He asked.
Vanessa looked at him awkwardly.
- Like Sam, I guess.

A Thousand Years | Mesut Ozil (Sequel to Written In The Stars) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now