The Sweet Release Of Nothing

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He longed for death
The sweet release
Of eternal silence
To some it's unthinkable
But those who are bound
By unbreakable bonds
Chains upon chains in a dark room
No privacy, no quiet
In the light
Is where we fight
Where we merely survive
Where we take to the knives
And contemplate self-brought demise
Indeed we are helpless, prisoners of our own damn minds
We saw the signs
Yet continued to decline
We swam at first, not quite sure
How it was feeding, digging deeper into the soul
Imprinting, until eventually you started to know
You started to recognize
When the smile in your eyes was dead and gone
To be replaced by a fake and undetectable replica
Yet somewhere deep within
We feel we're slipping
Doing nothing
Feeling nothing
Save for the ache, the need and the longing
To be
Absolutely nothing.

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