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Far away from a nearby kingdom, a snake slithered to the darkened part of the woods. A plum purple mist formed around the snake and it turned into a man. This is the area that was told to belong to the great Nefarious.

Nefarious was the nastiest and most vile sorcerer in all of the land. That very man, was Nefarious. Looks could fool anyone. Nefarious was a clean cut man. He could easily be mistaken for a prince, which made it easy for him to capture people of royalty or just commoners. That is, until now.

"Alexander!" Nefarious yelled out to his servant. He looked into a mirror, slicking his jet black hair back and examining his pale skin, "Where is the orb?"
"I apologize, my lord." Alexander, a boy of age 17, appeared with a crystal ball and a rag, "I was just wiping and polishing it to please you."
"Ah, very good." Nefarious took it from his hands and set it down on a rock, shaped to hold the sphere of glass.
"Did anyone from the village recognize you, my lord?"
"No. I did wish someone would, though. I've become very bored with the daily routine of taking a mere child and killing them. It's just the same old thing. I want something new."
"Well..." Alexander walked behind him to take off Nefarious' purple coat, "I overheard a group of peasant girls gathering herbs say that there is a prince named Adam coming from the Eastern Kingdom. He is marrying the king's daughter, Adelina, in ten days I believe."

"Is that so?" Nefarious smiled, his lips twitching upward. He chuckled just a bit before running his fingertips around the orb, letting it light up, "Then I suppose I have something interesting to do now." He looked down at the purple lit orb, having a picture appear of a man riding a white horse.
"What will you do?"
"I think I shall pay the princess a visit. Adelina is the way to him. Oh, this will be interesting~"

In the kingdom, the king and queen threw a grand celebration for the arrival of Prince Adam. Prince Adam was the very definition of a prince. Handsome, strong, intelligent, charming, kind, and nothing but a pure soul. He was loved from the moment he set foot in the kingdom. Girls from the village swooned over his looks, while the boys were rooting him on and wishing to be like him. Even if some of the less fortunate wanted to hate him for being rich, they just couldn't because of his compassion for others. He spent a good hour or two in the village, greeting everyone who came in his path. He held the reigns to his pearly white horse he rode on.

In the castle walls, Adelina was being dressed to meet Adam for the very first time. Her maids and other servants left the room. Adelina thanked them and shut the door. She looked out the window and saw Prince Adam walking up to the doors of the castle. She nearly squealed with delight, She had heard so many great stories about him, and fell in love over the words that many spoke. She turned on her heel and rushed to the door. She opened it, but gasped when she saw Nefarious in front of her.

"Hello." Nefarious tilted his head, "Going somewhere?" He snapped his fingers and Adelina fell. Not onto the floor. Nefarious had a kind heart to at least have a plum colored cloud hold her up. He swiftly moved his hand and walked down the hall, with Adelina's body following close behind. He walked past the bodies of knights and maids he had made unconscious.

"My lord!" Alexander ran out from a room, holding golden jewelery in both his hands and they filled his pockets, "Look! I found gold!"
"Alexander, we didn't come here for gold, did you forget about the massive pile we have back home? Imbecile!" He slapped the jewelry out of his hands and delivered a smack to the back of his head, "We only came for Adelina. Now empty your pockets, fool. And follow me..." He huffed and walked down a staircase.

Near the door of the castle, Adam was greeting Adelina's parents. They all quickly stopped their conversation when they saw Nefarious and Alexander with the princess.
"Nefarious?!" The king shouted.
"Oh, hello Your Highness." Nefarious had a childlike smile and waved, "Oh, don't mind me! Carry on with your guest! Alexander and I are only passing through." He laughed and snapped his fingers. Alexander turned into a wolf and Nefarious disappeared with Adelina.

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