Chapter 42: The Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

"You shall have all the time you need," Victoria vowed, dark haired and dark eyed. "And the reserves?"

"The reserves and the Inquisitor's retinue will come with me," Katherine answered. "We will follow Sword Mission into the palace then break away when the opportunity arises. While they engage the bulk of the guards, we will find Gaius and remove the foul taint of his presence." She looked about until she caught sight of Mother Rhoda, motioning her over. "Rhoda, I want you to keep the Inquisitor in your hip pocket."

"My Celestians and I will be all over her like her own Vestments," Rhoda assured her.

Katherine pulled her quickly aside, whispering in her ear, "Watch her closely, Rhoda. We cannot predict how she will react when we meet Gaius. If she gives orders that conflict with mine, you are to ignore them. If…if she falls from grace…"

"I will give her salvation," Rhoda tapped the handle of her plasma pistol, her eyes hard.

"Right," Katherine strode toward the door, drawing Magdalena's Bane from the scabbard. "Let's move out sisters! Ave Imperator!" 

Michaela strolled leisurely across the courtyard, long chestnut hair flowing behind her in the breeze. Her glossy armor of lavender and pink was a profane mockery of her former order, the Adeptus Sororitas. The corrupted former Sister of Battle licked her lips scarlet with gloss and leveled her eyes heavy with violet shadow on the hulking form of a Chaos Marine standing nearby. His armor was a riot of psychedelic color almost painful to look at…as though it overwhelmed the eye. His face and bald head were covered in gruesome scars, most of which were self inflicted by the corrupted Marine seeking to bask in sensation…pain was just as good as pleasure…and sometimes better. Her eyes roamed up and down his eight foot tall frame, marveling at the physique that must lie encased in the ceramite of his armor. "So…is every part of a Marine larger than a mortal man?" She asked saucily. 

"I'd break you in half, girl," The Marine laughed.

"Promises, promises," Her hand reached down to unclasp the fasteners that held her armored skirt plates in place about her hips. "That armor looks heavy and hot…why don't you slip into something more comfortable?" Her eyes dropped below his waist, wide with mania. After a lifetime in the convent, her body ached for the forbidden pleasures of the flesh constantly. 

The Marine of the Emperor's Children, the chosen warriors of Slaanesh raised a hairless brow as he watched her practically writhe with lust, "I didn't bring anything more comfortable."

Michaela stepped up to him, hands caressing his armor suggestively as though it was his flesh. She breathed, "Then why don't you slip into me…"

As his hands moved to unseal his own armor, the courtyard was rocked by an explosion. Across the stone tiled forum, the wide armored doors disintegrated, globs of molten metal streaking about. Michaela spun around to see Adeptus Sororitas pouring out of the passageway beyond. "What the Fuck?" She staggered as a bolter round slammed into her shoulder, though it ricocheted away harmlessly. "Where the Hell did they come from? How the Fuck did they get into the palace?"

"Who cares?" The Marine brought up the heavy Blastmaster sonic weapon, the preferred anti-armor weapon of the Emperor's Children. With a deafening pulse of sound the weapon fired, nearly knocking Michaela from her feet. In the mass of Sororitas, there was an explosion tossing several of them up into the air. Crimson-garbed sisters fanned out, spraying suppressive fire over the courtyard while white-clad Celestians charged the Chaos Marines and corrupted former sisters defending it. Dominions in white took cover behind columns and stone benches, adding their specialized firepower.

A crimson beam of superheated plasma struck the Marine next to Michaela, instantly melting his ceramite armor and boring a hole completely through him. The Sister of Pain and Pleasure grit her teeth and raised her own weapon, firing psychic bolts into those loyal to the Emperor. "Bitches!" She screamed as she watched a sister fall, rolling on the ground in agony indescribable. 

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