Chapter 41: "Everything is easy, when there is no other way."

Start from the beginning

"This is a Force Blade," Katherine said. "Inscribed with hexagrammic wards, it channels the power of the psychic through the blade. It can instantly kill the strongest of adversaries in one blow, if you can wound them with it." She held the dagger out for her.

Simone gingerly took the handle of the slender dagger. Her first thought was that it was a thing of exquisite beauty. The kris blade was of such pale metal it was almost white and glowed even here in the dark tunnel. The ruins chased up and down the blade seemed to shimmer; first blue then violet. The grip was pale gold and as slender as the blade and incorporated the single wide edge of the blade. The pale dagger felt as light as an icicle in her hand and just as cold. As she studied the dagger, the ruin writhed on the blade and took on a cool glow. "Its …beautiful." She said wonderingly.

Katherine raised an eyebrow and suppressed a shiver. She did not find the thing 'beautiful' was an abomination. A psychic weapon, channeling the power of the Warp. She understood that such things were necessary for the Imperium to exist...but the mere touch of the thing filled her with loathing. "It is...well crafted...and a powerful weapon."

Simone looked up from the blade. She had unconsciously stopped walking, lost in the cold beauty of the dagger. She saw Katherine's hesitation and heard her careful wording. " Yes, well crafted." She removed the utilitarian dagger from her forearm sheath and slid the Force Blade home. She could still feel it there: a coolness pooled on her arm. "One hit." She murmured, almost to herself. "This is good. Something simple, easily overlooked. Something to get close to him with." 

The Canoness frowned, "Yes...though of course, the last thing most would want is to get close to Gaius."

Simone arched an eyebrow but her voice was low, "Isn't that what this plan is? Get close to him?"

"Well...honestly if I had the choice I'd plug him with the Inferno Pistol from a distance..." Katherine sighed.

"Yes, I believe we tried that." Simone said. She started moving again. "I feel certain he has thought of that as well. But his 'bride' returning to him. That may be a surprise." She said with a certain emphasis on the last word.

Katherine glanced around the darkness that their weapon mounted torches barely seemed to penetrate. She had never been claustrophobic, spending much of her time in narrow passageways, cellars, and catacombs of convents...but the silence and eerie pressure of the tunnel unnerved her. If somehow, Gaius had learned of the tunnel...they were boxed in a horrible killzone. She shook her head to clear it, praying she hadn't made a terrible tactical mistake, "Surprise may be our best chance. It's courageous of you to offer yourself as bait." She lowered her eyes, "I know...this cannot be easy for you."

Simone heard the change in Katherine's breathing. The old tunnel breathed as well: an ancient bitter whisper. She felt it caress her mind, stronger now that the blade lay on her arm. "Easy?" she shrugged, making the armor clank softly. "I don't know. When a path is laid in front of you and it's the only one you have… that makes it easy." She paused for a long moment. "In a way."

"With faith in the Emperor, all things are possible," The Canoness nodded. She cast a sidelong glance at the Inquisitor, her eyes momentarily soft, "Can you do this, Simone? Can you face him soon after..." Her voice trailed away.

Simone looked straight ahead as if she could see the end of the tunnel and what lay there: waiting. "Why even ask?" she said slowly. "This is the path. The only way to.. save us." Her hand stole to the sheathed dagger, lightly stroking her arm.

Katherine was silent as they continued onward into the dark. After a few moments, she nodded, almost to herself, "Your resolve is impressive. I won't doubt it again."

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