Comlink [Cassian x Reader]

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Request: Could you do a Cassian Andor x Reader first kiss imagine! But could it be in the kind of style of Han/Leia first kiss in empire? Like the love/hate, witty back and forth kind of thing?

warnings: anxiety, blood, death mention

Officers slowed and stared when they saw you leaning against your ship in the middle of a hangar. You could only imagine what was going on in their heads. Some clearly recognized you, and others didn't. Regardless, you inferred that the common sentiment was something along the lines of, "What is that woman doing back on base?"  

It was like coming home to an estranged family. You knew the base by heart, yet, the warmth that generally came with familiarity eluded you. Even some once-friendly faces passed not daring to acknowledge you. This was why you hated the Rebellion... 

Before long, Captain Cassian Andor emerged from the conference room where he had doubtless been briefed on a great many things, one of them being the fact that you had been hired to be Andor's escort. It was a freelance job, but it paid good money. You needed good money, even if working for the Rebellion again made you sick.

"Andor, it's been a while," you began, crossing your arms over your chest. "You were in there a while. Had a lot to say about me?"

Cassian stopped in front of you and tilted his chin up slightly. He had barely changed-- a few more lines in his forehead between his brows, darker shadows under his eyes maybe. But overall he looked the same as when you had left him five years ago.  "L/N, good to see you back. Couldn't find any other jobs to abandon?"

You pushed yourself away from the spot you were leaning on. "Look, I don't like this any more than you do. But I need the money, and you need the intel. So, we're stuck together for the next two weeks and we're gonna have to live with it."

Cassian scrunched his nose, gave you a patronizing smile, and began up the ramp into your ship. "You've never lost your charm, Y/N," he said.

You blinked once as you processed that. "Really?"

"Yeah, because you never had it to begin with," Cassian answered over his shoulder as he disappeared into the ship. 

Rolling your eyes, you stepped onto the ramp, stopping when a long shadow came over you. When you spun around, you were face-to-chest with an Imperial droid.

"Cassian!" you called. "Whose droid?"

"Kay? He's mine," Cassian answered back, unseen. "There's nothing to worry about. He's reprogrammed."

You looked the droid up and down. "Is he necessary?"

"Yes," Cassian replied as he reappeared in the ship's doorway. "Y/N, meet K-2SO. Kay for short."

It was a moment before you said anything, but you managed, "Pleased to meet you."

"The pleasure is yours," the droid answered.

You rolled your eyes and glanced at Cassian. "Charming."

"Just like you," Cassian offered as his idea of a joke. 

You sighed and marched to the cockpit of your ship. 

Cassian followed and took a look around. "You've changed things since I was here last..." he remarked.

You shrugged and threw yourself into the captain's chair to begin prepping.

"Don't you have a copilot?" he questioned.

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