Chapter 2

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Here's another look into my twisted mind. But hey, at least I'm just a writer. Not a real psychopath!

Regina smirked as the blonde's eyes widened just a fraction before that steely, guarded look came over her once more. The girl was perfect; from her scraggly locks hidden underneath that grey stocking cap to her ripped skinny jeans and wide-framed glasses. She was tough on the exterior, but Regina saw beneath all those layers. She was practically shaking.

The brunette took a moment to paw through the girl's bag, eyebrows raising at the contents. Prescription pills, bags of what she assumed to be other hard drugs, toiletries, a few sets of clothes, some ripped pages from a children's storybook, an envelope of cash. But what caught her eye was the crocheted baby blanket nestled in the very bottom.

"What the hell?!" Emma snarled, hand lashing out to attack the older woman.

Regina merely held out her right foot, holding it tightly against the girl's chest and effectively pinning her to the seat. Then, she carefully pulled out the blanket. It was a bit worn and frayed around the edges, but the smell was absolutely intoxicating. It was a scent she would come to love, a scent she would obsess over.

The purple silk ribbon around the edges complimented the beige fabric, and woven in was the name Emma. Regina imagined the young woman in front of her as a tiny infant, wrapped inside the tiny blanket as she was kissed goodbye and transported to a new land where she would begin her miserable life. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she became lost in her thoughts. This was the first key to manipulating the Savior.

"Are you some sort of drug lord?" Emma finally spoke. "Some dragon lady sent to mug me and scare me into doing your dirty work?"

Regina chuckled. "Oh no, dear. I have no interest in your... illegal activities. But I have known you for a long time. I know about your time in foster care, the reasons for spending time in juvenile detention, prison..."

"So you're just a crazy stalker then," the blonde said flatly.

"I also know about your little teen romance that ended up with you abandoning your son. But that's the circle of life I suppose, seeing as how your parents abandoned you."

The spark in Emma's eyes returned. Quick as a flash, she shoved Regina's foot away before lunging forward and wrapping her hands around the brunette's throat. Not enough to cut off her air supply, just enough to scare her. Regina recognized the trick; she used it on her servants back in the Enchanted Forest.

"I don't know who the hell you are, but don't you dare talk about my son like that. You don't know me, and you sure as hell don't know why I gave him up!" Emma yelled. "Or why my parents did the same to me!"

Oh if she only knew.

Regina firmly pried the hand away from her throat. The girl was strong for her age, but Regina overpowered her significantly. As the blonde attempted to attack her again, the older woman pressed down hard on a sensitive pressure point right at the top of her wrist.

Emma yelped in pain and attempted to jerk back. Regina followed her, leaning forward until she was on top of her in the opposite seat. Emma watched as the older woman reached into her pocket. A glinting reflection on what she assumed to be a knife caught her eye, and she was surprised to feel tears well up before spilling down her cheeks.

Emma Swan did not cry, yet this stranger that obviously knew who she was and where she was from was able to bring her down with a few simple words. She glanced over at the door closest to her with watery eyes. This woman was obviously insane. She had to try and escape.

"Please!" Emma begged, going limp underneath the woman's hold. "Just let me go! Take the money, the drugs, anything. I won't call the cops or report you, just don't hurt me!"

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