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as uta and juuzou run out of the building  followed by the others

Nishiki : this was to much trouble uta you own me big time

uta: I owe all of you thanks but first back to the café

Juuzou: café why there?

touka: it a safe haven for us also we put you on a protection list so the ghouls won't eat you.

Juuzou: glad to see some ghouls are nice still.

they keep running and wind up at Anteiku

Yoshimura: welcome to your new home juuzou unless you want to stay with uta.

yomo: it might be  best he stay here fist to get his bearings

Nishiki: don't you mean she?

juuzou: I' am a boy dumbass (as they enter the café )

touka and uta laugh while yomo and kaneki are  just confused

Hinami: welcome back

Yoshimura: well it has been along night. uta, yomo and our newest member juuzou you can stay here tonight if you wish.

Hinami:  do we have anything juuzou can eat? I think he looks hungry.

Juuzou I not ..(stomach growls) okay I am..

after juuzou eats and head to bed .

Yoshimura: yomo go inform others that juuzou if under our protection.

yomo: understood.

uta yawns : I'm head to bed as well good night

uta wonders up stairs and walks into Juuzou's temporary new room as juuzou walks out of the shower in a hello kitty pajamas(Hinami lent them to him.) yawning

uta chuckles : nice pajamas juuzou

juuzou freezes and get embarrassed

juuzou blushing : Hinami lent them to me I got nothing else to wear.  

uta: just saying they look cute on you. but I bet anything you wear will be cute too.

Juuzou: wait are you flirting with me?

Uta: maybe then kisses juuzou on the forehead then says ,night juuzou.

as uta leaves juuzou touches his forehead and smiles

juuzou : you never changed uta

misconceptions  (uta x juuzou)Where stories live. Discover now