An Unlikely healer:-)

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It was a clear and warm day in the Shire, and everyone was outside. well not everyone was enjoying the warm day. The only ones that were not outside were Frodo and Bilbo Baggins. "Frodo, get out of bed!" Bilbo yelled through Bag-end, as he walked to Frodo's room. When Bilbo finally got to Frodo's room he was still laying on his bed snoring heavely. "Come on," Bilbo said,shaking Frodo's shoulder, "Get up!" Bilbo stopped shaking for a second, once he stopped Frodo grunted and rolled over. "Oh come on!!" Bilbo yelled, " Wait...I have just the thing." He dashed out of the room and went to the kitchen, he grabbed a nearby bowl and filled it with ice cold water. "This will get him out of bed." Bilbo said with a smile. He ran back to Frodo's room, but carefully not to spill the ice cold water over the wood floor. "Ok Frodo, I am sorry." Bilbo said with a giggle. He dumped the ice cold water on frodo's head and Frodo sat up with a start. "What was that for?" Frodo asked Bilbo, his wet curly hair stringy on his forehead. "Just a little jump start to your day my lad." Bilbo said laughing, "Go get cleaned up for the day." Frodo jumped and walked to the bathroom. When Frodo walked into the bathroom and closed the door, he felt his stomach lurch and he leaned forward. "What did I eat?" he asked himself. "Must be breakfast calling, better get ready." As he quickly showered and put on his clothes for the day. After he finally finished finding the perfect clothes to impress his girlfriend. He ran out of the room and into the kitchen table, " Owww!!!" He exclaims sitting down holding his side. "Well, you sure are clumsy today. Are you feeling OK?" Asked Bilbo with a worried expression on his face. "I am perfectly fine." As he stood up, and with that he fell into peaceful darkness.

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