So... Not Friends?

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                                                *AUTHORS NOTE*

Here are a few things I would like to state before you read this fanfiction:
Whenever it says the term "I" It means Loren is the one in the story doing that or saying that, etc.
When I write in italics it means Loren is thinking in Loren's head.
I write in bold when a person is talking.
I use *time skips* to skip time if I don't feel like writing the whole thing!
This fanfic isn't a lemon, so go ahead.
I AM NOT saying that this is how they act in reality, this is only for the story! :)
Loren isthe main character.
It is Loren's POV (for the whole story)
Enjoy my second fanfiction! :D

Loren's POV:
Ugh... school again? I mumbled. My hand slapped my alarm clock and I rolled out of my comfy bed and on to the floor, landing on a pile of blankets. I stumbled out of my bedroom and managed to make it down to the kitchen just in time for breakfast. Rubbing my eyes, I sat down at the small kitchen table, slumping my head down onto my arm. "Good morning sweetheart," My mom said, smiling. I lifted my head up off my arm. "Morning..." I yawned, stretching my back like a gymnast. My mom had cooked some eggs and toast for breakfast. She brought them over to the table. My face lit up as I smelled my favourite breakfast, even though it's simple. I immediately grabbed my plate and started munching away at my toast. Then, I devoured my eggs right after that.

*Time Skip*

I was brushing my teeth as I got a text from one of my best friends, Jordyn Jones.

Jordyn- Hey you snobby brat!
Loren- Umm... are you talking to me? Or did you get the wrong number...
Jordyn- Yes I'm talking to you! Are you dumb? I guess so!
*Loren went offline*
What the heck? What is up with Jordyn? I took her to the mall yesterday... And I'm not dumb!
I shook my head and continued to brush my teeth. People need to grow up... What kind of an insult is that? I spat out the foam and brushed my hair. I got another text from my friend Luna Blaise.
Luna-I guess we won't be hanging out with you! You are so selfish!
Loren- What do you mean? I didn't do anything!
Luna- You know what you did!
Loren- No I don't trust me!
Luna- Why would I trust a back stabbing friend like you! Jordyn and I are done with you!
*Luna went offline*
*Loren went offline*
That was weird... It didn't even feel that mean! Maybe they're just in a mood. I shrugged and grabbed my school bag and ran out to the bus. Today was going to be a interesting day...
Word Count: 472

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