Chapter Five

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Terrible news has struck upon us. Aaron's surgery was unsuccessful, he did not die during the operation. There were too many tumors. He has 3 weeks to live before the tumors get bigger and consume him. Hopefully he'll be able to meet Ryder. 

"Mommy, I don't want daddy to die." Rosie says crying, mom and Ana explained what was going on to her. 

"I don't either baby, but there isn't anything else they can do," I say crying, I pick up Rosie. She hugs me and I rock her a little back and forth. Rose falls asleep on me with her arms around my neck while we walk to Aaron's room. They are going to let him go tomorrow. I asked Ana to get 3 plane tickets to go to Hawaii, the place he has always wanted to go. She did it on her phone when we got to his room. Aaron is laying on his bed crying.

"I'm so sorry honey, I can't fight anymore no matter how hard I try. I feel like I have no more strength in me anymore. I want to this for you, for Rosie, for Ryder and for mom," He says, when he says mom I get a huge pain in my stomach then liquid at my feet. My water just broke. I give Rosie to Ana. Mom and I try to hurry to the doctor, who is thankfully close to the door. He guides us to a room.

10:23 that night Ryder Aaron Lilo was born. They moved me into the same room as Aaron so I can be with him and so he can see his new baby son. Aaron and I have decided when we both are out of the hospital we are going to get married, then head to Hawaii with all the kids. Ryder looks so much like Aaron it's crazy cute. I decided to name him after his dad since he can't grow to know Aaron. He will know from me who is father is. His amazing, caring, sweet and loving father. 

Two days pass and we are finally able to leave. We aren't doing a huge fancy wedding. It doesn't have to be fancy to be the happiest moment ever, it could just be five people there with us, us getting married in a small church. That is what it will be. Doctor Mills, Carmen, Ana, and Mom will be there. Along with the two kids. We are now headed to the church, this is going to be amazing. 

WE ARE OFFICIALLY  MARRIED! I couldn't be happier. We leave in 2 hours for Hawaii. We have a fancy hotel right along a beach. It has an amazing view. 

When we get to Hawaii we go to our hotel room and unpack. We are staying here for 3 weeks. Ana is going to watch the house and take care of Lila, Rosie's kitten that mom got her. We are going to rest since the time is different. Tomorrow our adventures begin. 

As the days go by, Aaron becomes weaker. In the middle of week two, I have to push him in a wheelchair. He can't even hold Ryder. I am afraid he isn't going to make it by the end of week three. Mom decided to fly down here so she can help with the kids and I can feed plus take care of Aaron. When week three hits, he is beginning to forget things. We know his time isn't going to be much longer, and it breaks my heart. Rosie understands and keeps her distance when she knows she needs too. Will I ever move on to find my kiddos another father for them to grow up to know and for me to have help? I will never find another true love. We only get one. He was my one, and now he is almost gone. Slipping from life into death's arms. Thursday of week three, both moms stay with the kids. While I take Aaron to the patio where we have perfect view of the sunset and the ocean. I help into the chair, I sit in the one next to him. We both look at each other and smile. He looks back at the sunset. Right when the sun is almost all the way down, Aaron toke his last breath. I have never cried more in my life. My love did it, he won his battle. We knew he wasn't going to make it to next week so we planned the funeral for next week. He's gone. He's really gone, and there is nothing I can do about it. Rosie has been crying for in hour. I have been rocking her, she is finally calming down and then she falls asleep. 


Today is the funeral. All I can do is cry and cry. That's all I could do for a week, till I had no tears left to cry. I don't think I will ever remarry. He was the only one I have ever wanted. The church is decorated beautiful in his favorite color, Green. I had everyone wear green instead of black. I wore his favorite green dress that he loved to see me in even if that pie stain is still there. He loved it too. It makes me smile thinking about that time. After everyone says some memories of him, they end the service. Now we are heading home. We got him cremated it was what he wanted. Now he will sit in the living by on his desk next to his published book, on how we survived even if he passed now he did survive and fight the first time. 

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