15.| The Three Lupins

Start from the beginning

Charlotte walked alongside Fred as the group made their way into the station.

"Right then," Mr Weasley said, glancing around at them. "Let's do this in pairs, as there are so many of us. I'll got through first with Harry."

Ginny and Percy followed after them, then Ron and Hermione, who were still bickering about Crookshanks and Scabbers, then Fred and George and finally, Mrs Weasley and Charlotte.

Once they had all made their way to the platform, Harry and Mr Weasley led the way to the end of the train, past packed compartments, to a carriage that looked quite empty. They loaded the trunks onto it, stowed the owls and kneazle in the luggage rack, then went back outside to say goodbye to Mr nd Mrs Weasley.

Mrs Weasley kissed all her children, then Hermione and Charlotte, and then finally Harry.

"Do take care, won't you, Harry?" she said as she straightened up, her eyes oddly bright. Then she opened her enormous handbag and said, "I've made you all sandwiches. Here you are, Ron ... no, they're not corned beef ... Fred? Where's Fred?"

"I'll take the twins', Molly," Charlotte offered. "They've gone to find a compartment before they're all gone."

"Oh, thank you," Molly said, handing Charlotte the three stacks of sandwiches. "And do take care of yourself this year. No chasing down Black -"

"Why on Earth would I do that?" Charlotte asked. "It's not like I enjoy getting into trouble."


"If I do come across him however ... I'll just have to hide him from everyone, won't I?"

"Please don't."

"I'm only joking. Honestly, Molly."

"Oi, Lots! Hurry up, will you? Lee's desperate to speak to you," George called from the window of the train.

"Well, see you soon, Molly. I'll get the boys to write."

"Don't forget to write yourself."

"Will do."



"Lolu! Long time, no see," Lee greeted Charlotte as she made her way into the compartment.

"Indeed it has been," Charlotte replied, giving Lee a quick hug. "How's life?"

Lee explained at length how good life was over the summer for him. Then Charlotte explained and then Fred and George told of the numerous adventures they had in Egypt.

"Those pyramids were brilliant," Fred reminisced.

"To think they were built without magic," George grinned.

"You're starting to sound like your dad, lads," Lee chuckled.

"Yeah, you should've taken Muggle Studies like I did," Charlotte added.

"But they were amazing."

"And then there was the -"

All of a sudden, Charlotte felt frozen, like there was actual ice keeping her spine in place, and her brain unable to unfreeze her body. The train came to a jolt, and the iciness left her, just as the entire train fell into darkness.

"What's going on?"

"Ouch!" said Lee. "Fred, that was my foot!"

Lottie (Charlotte Lupin x Fred Weasley) [Book 2] -> remastered @cherrywine_xWhere stories live. Discover now