Back in my hotel room I take off my jewels and slip into a nice dress. Dinner with the whole cast can be pretty amazing though. It can get my mind away from this mess.

Pierce's P.O.V

Sitting with the rest of the cast that was laughing and drinking wine I couldn't help but to look at Meryl that came in looking so happy like she forgot all about last night. She greeted everyone with a little kiss same goes to me which was pretty amazing. Her soft lips turns me on already.

She take a seat next to me. She gave me a sweet smile and place her hand on my leg. Just like that! She's falling for me, I know it.

Meryl's P.O.V

I don't know what possessed me but somehow I let my hands take over and rest on Pierce's leg.

Well when I walked down he sort of took my breath away. It's sort of weird how I'm not in my fan-girl body to attack the amazing James Bond like a wild tiger and I never thought of it until now.

"So Meryl..." Stellan started. "How's Don..."

That moment right away I heard Julie kick him from under the table.

"Well he couldn't be better." I replied sarcastically taking both my hands from under the table to on top of the table. I feel so silly. I'm married, why would I lay my hands on another man? Is this...revenge?

That moment I felt a warm male hand making it's way upon my leg. I look down and saw it's Pierce's hand. Oh no Meryl, what have you done?

I feel his hand sliding up my dress and somehow I couldn't help but feel that it's him I want. I gave him a smile and look at Christine that gave me an add look.

After dinner Pierce walked me to my room after we said goodnight to everyone. I turn around in my doorway and looked at him ready to say goodnight.

"So how are you and Don?" He asked concerned.

"Well not so good. He deserves the silence I deserve my space away from him." I replied.

"Just..." he place his hand on my cheek looking into my eyes, "follow your heart."

I gave him a smile and what ever possessed us someone decided to make the first move which must've been both of us. A kiss. Well there's nothing worste in kissing but there was something in the way we kissed on that very same moment. I couldn't help it but to fall inlove with this kiss that turn into making out. Having his arms around my waist and mine around his neck was so addictive that moment.

His body against mine is what I wanted. We let go again to catch our breaths as we looked awkwardly at each other.

What just happened? Well what ever it was it sure was amazing.

"Oh my goodness." I giggled. He also laugh as he place a kiss on my head.

"Good night Meryl." I hold his hands tight keeping it in mine as I pull him back to me when he was about to walk away.

"Don't you wanna come in? I could do with a little company in here. It can get very lonely at nights." I bite my bottom lip as he nod and walk into the room.

Laying down I feel his strong arms around me.
Where I feel so save and secure. I close my eyes for a second as I felt him standing up. I look at him that looked at me.

"Stay tonight please." I begged. He nod with a smile and took of his shoes. I stood up and walk to the bathroom coming back out in my pyjama dress that fell on top of my knees. Pierce was already in bed waiting for me. I ignore his existence and walk to the dressing table taking off my earrings and bracelet. I walk to the side of the bed and climb in turning to Pierce looking at me.

"I hope you didn't have other plans..." I started.

"No. If I went back to my room I would've probably struggle to sleep." He chuckle. I giggle as I place my hand on his chest. His arms travel all the way around my body as I lean on my arm looking down at him.

I wanna kiss him again. That's all I wanna do, kiss him. He pull me on top of his chest as we start kissing. Kissing. Kissing. Kissing.

Well I deserve it. Don cheated on me. And well, I'm just kissing another married man.

It didn't take long before I realised I'm on top of him straddling him as his hands explore my entire body. I sit up straight grabbing my hair clip that laid on my bedside. I clip it as I went back to kissing him as I loose out on all my movements that made me want him even more.

"Oh my goodness." I sit up straight again and look down at him. "Is this wrong?"

"Doesn't feel wrong to me?" Pierce said half out of breath. I giggle and went back kissing him as we role over having him between my legs like he owns me.

He start kissing my neck roughly as he plants his breath all over me. I feel him rub up against me as I try to keep my moan for myself.

Traveling down my body and up again I grab his face and kiss him hard like I didn't care. This is my fan-girl body.

My hands take over and move to his trouser undoing his pants.

We took a little break for fresh air as we look at each other.

"Is this going too far?" I asked unthinking giving him another kiss waiting for an answer.

"Why all these questions? I love you is that enough?" A shock run through my body into my soul as everything turned cold inside of me. I loose my breath as we both look down then back at each other.

"Oh my." I breathed feeling guilty but so right.

"Did I tell you that I may also be attracted to you?" He came down and kiss me to shut me up from moaning. Thank goodness I don't have a phone anymore that would cause any pocket dialling.

That moment I started thinking about the song Amanda is singing honey honey that part where she sang " feels like a wanna sing when do his thing..." well that's exactly how I feel.

It's been such a while since I've been in this situation and now that I'm there again I get to be with James Bond!!!

Sorry if this last love scene is not so much detail.

I couldn't concentrate so good because I was laughing to hard.

Anyway there is more to come...

Hope you enjoyed and please...
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