She hesitated, but the sight of Aricia's glare as the princess went by made her sigh and allow the stranger to tow her into edge of the dancers. "I'm not the best dancer," she warned.

He smiled again. "I'm sure you'll be wonderful."

Terrwyn studied him as they took their places while everyone else waited for the musicians to begin the next piece. Taller than her by a bit, his complexion was nearly the same as hers, indicating some kind of foreign parentage. He could be a diplomat, but his lack of accent made her uncertain. She didn't think she'd ever seen him, which gave her pause. Then again, if he was newly come to court, she'd likely not have noticed given her deliberate attempts to stay out of the politics she didn't need to be involved in.

When the music started, Terrwyn's shoulders tensed. It was a free dance, and she always ended up stepping on her partner's toes, one of the many reasons she didn't dance often. Her partner squeezed the hand he still held gently and offered her a reassuring smile. She winced. "I'm sorry in advance."

They started off slow, so they had taken at least a dozen steps before Terrwyn's foot inevitably came down on top of his. She stumbled forward but he caught her, turning the movement into a spin like they'd planned it. She looked up and found him still smiling. "How about I follow you?" he said, shifting his hold so his hand was higher up on her waist.

She blinked for a moment then nodded. Concentrating on the music and the steps she'd been taught, she turned them slowly around then added in two quick steps. Her partner kept up easily which made her smile. Relaxing a bit, she took them deeper into the crowd, using long gliding steps that melded with the strings then short, almost tiptoe ones with the faster beat of the drum.

The stranger didn't hesitate, matching his steps to hers with ease. He was certainly the best dancer she'd ever partnered with. She admired his ability to keep up with her, even as she continued moving, her body relaxing into the rhythm so she didn't need to constantly focus on where her feet were.

At the end of her next quick turn, her partner added in his own flourish, releasing her waist so he could gently spin her with a hand. She smiled at him as she came back into his grip, moving them both faster in time with the music. Other dancers floated by, but none came close to them. They were alone in the centre of the grass, dancing as if no one else existed.

When the music finally stopped, Terrwyn found herself grinning up at him. She couldn't remember ever having had that much fun dancing. Not since she was a child, at least. He returned the expression, a hand snaking out behind him. It reappeared a moment later with a red flower from one of the planters which he stuck into her hair above her ear. "Like I said, wonderful."

She pinked but smiled her thanks. Terrwyn let him lead her out of the dance area, not really noticing the whispers that followed them or the clear space the other dancers had left around them. Once they were back in the corner where they'd come from, he brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed the back.

Now Terrwyn went red but didn't pull her hand away. He squeezed it once more and offered her a little bow then released it. "I do hope we meet again. I'd enjoy another dance and maybe we could even share a drink...?"

She looked down for a moment, thinking maybe Aricia had been right. Terrwyn lifted her head to say she'd love to, but found he was gone. She looked all around, turning slowly, but could find no sign of him. Only the flower in her hair showed she hadn't hallucinated the whole thing.

* * *

Stepping out of the folds of pale material, Aricia moved away from the dress that her maids were carefully putting away. Her unpinned hair fell in a curly bunches around her shoulders, the ache in her scalp slowly fading. Left in her farthingale and chemise, she kept still as Bethia carefully unlaced the back so she could get out of the wide underskirt. "You may all leave," Aricia told the other maids as they finished hanging her gown up.

They exchanged a look before glancing at Bethia. "Your Highness?"

"I am perfectly capable of readying myself for bed. I am not a child." A glance behind showed Bethia was wearing the light frown that told Aricia that while her chief maid disapproved of this, she wasn't about to protest it. Aricia didn't mention that she wanted the luxury of time to herself. Bethia knew that, having served her for nearly a decade.

"Come along, girls." Bethia released the laces and jerked her head at the other two maids before turning to Aricia. "Ring your bell if you need us and try not to stay up too late, Your Highness."

Aricia stifled the eyeroll she wanted to give. "I will. Thank you."

Bethia nodded and led the way out of the room with the two younger maids trailing behind her like ducklings. When the door shut, Aricia made a face at the closed door. Bethia was worse than her own mother at times.

It took only a few minutes for her to wriggle out of the farthingale and her chemise and get herself wrapped in one of her long, loose nightgowns. She'd had entirely enough of being restricted this evening. Comfortable at last, Aricia settled herself into her bed with the nearby candles lit, with a small bottle of wine and a plate of honeycakes she'd smuggled out of the party to much glowering from Bethia.

Aricia leaned back against her pillows and sighed, enjoying the rare quiet. It was nice to be by herself, with no pressure, no one talking to her, and no one looking for anything from her. There were times where she thought it would be nice to escape for a week or two, hole herself up somewhere where she could just be alone with her own thoughts for once. Somewhere she didn't need to worry about what everyone else was thinking.

A small smile that was equal parts sadness and amusement at her own thoughts crossed her face. Shaking herself, Aricia pursed her lips as she considered the evening. She supposed the masque had been successful in that no one had figured out who she was. And she was pleased to have seen Terrwyn dancing with someone for once. Her chief bodyguard was far too concerned with her safety to the point where she ignored her own life, and while Aricia appreciated Terrwyn's dedication, she still didn't want her friend to live a life that was empty outside of her duty.

She put aside thoughts of Terrwyn for later. Aricia would have plenty of time to force her into being social later. The more immediate concern was herself. She was nearly twenty-one, and she had to be serious about her own marriage prospects. Her mother was certainly nagging her about it.

Nibbling on a honeycake, Aricia went through her mental list of eligible men at court and outside of it, knowing she wasn't going to find many who fit her requirements. She wanted someone who was intelligent, good, not unattractive, and someone who wouldn't try to usurp her rule. It seemed she could only ever manage two or three out of the four, and she wasn't about to lower her standards. Not yet at least.

Still, she had time, and her father was strong and healthy so she wouldn't be called on to rule for a long while. The country was peaceful and prosperous enough, though occasionally Aricia had to admit to wanting a bit more excitement in her life. Maybe a handsome stranger who ticked all of her requirements would rescue her from danger...

Chuckling at her own daydream, Aricia grabbed the book that lay beside her bed and focused on that and her wine.

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