First Time // Connor

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It was the week before uni and you couldnt be more excited, this was the college that was your first pick. But thats not the only reason you were excited. You have been dating connor through the internet, and all other sources of communication. You were finally meeting him for the first time. you had met him through twitter and you guys went back and forth on twitter and snapchat until you both were at the point of needing each others number. You and him texted back and forth for a while until you confessed that you had feelings for him, them thankfully being mutual. you began facetiming and doing everything you could as far as talking on a daily basis. You had planned out a few skype dates but they were always really relaxed ordering pizza at the same time or even just talking for over an hour. Now you were taking a flight out to him, also due to the fact he was only a 2 hour drive to where your university is. You were beyond nervous to see him face to face for the very first time. You had all of your things packed up since you were staying the weekend at his and then you would head to university early to set things up. He texted you knowing that you had to drive to the airport soon. The text reading

“Hi baby, have a nice flight. Can't wait to see you xx” making you smile and responding with a:

“Thanks babe,see you soon xx” before slipping your iphone and headphones in your pocket and heading to the airport. The flight was supposed to be a quick one only a little over an hour. you didnt have any bags that needed to be checked or anything like that since you just had a carry on. You sat in the gates area reading the sign saying the flight took off in 15 minutes and theyd be boarding soon. You shot your boyfriend a text before getting on the plane

“See you in an hour, getting on the plane now (:”, quickly getting a response

“I'll be waiting outside of the gates, have a safe trip”

Your flight went by relatively fast because you were just sat watching a movie the whole time intill you were interupted by the announcement about the plane landing. You quickly turned your phone back on whilst popping a piece of gum in your mouth, because no matter how many times you flew you still werent a fan of the landing part. Finally you made it off the plane and looked everywhere for your boyfriend still unseen. you felt a squeeze on your body from behind

“Hi” he whispered cutely. you knew by the voice exactly who it was and quickly turned around to look into his blue eyes.

“You're, you're here. I just i cant belive youre actually in front of me.” you said in pure shock.

“Yes im here, babygirl” he said smiling bringing his hand to your cheek.

"You look even more beautiful in person” he said in a voice only the two of you could hear, just before leaning down to kiss you. This caused you to drop your bags and grab his face kissing him back. he slowly pulled back both of you out of breath

“I've wanted to do that for so long, you have no idea” he said smiling.

“I think i have a pretty good idea” you sassed back making him chuckle.

“Come on lets go, thats all your stuff right?” he said looking at your rather large backpack on the floor.

“Yup,thats all ive got” you said picking up your backpack.

The two of you finally made it back to his apartment and it was a relief, most of it was actually because of course you believed that he was real and everything but it was a bit scary because you were meeting for the first time ever. Now that you know everything is legit it was sort of calming.

“Hey, um where should i put my stuff?” you questioned.

“Well you can put it in my room if you want, but I mean you dont have to sleep in the same bed if that makes you uncomfortable I can sleep on the couch this weekend” he rambled.

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