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"I found a way to immortalize my love for you. It was in a form of a book."

-Fate, Allie Santos

Katie ran towards me breathing frantically, "The books are on their way," she says. I laughed and offered her a cup of coffee since I know it is the only thing that can calm her.

It has been three months, only three months and I had managed to finally become a best seller. Today is my very first book signing session. I decided that it will be somewhere near the creek, but Katie managed to pull some of her charms and we are doing the signing in my sanctuary. The place that started it all.

It was the same, still the same just as my mother left it, still the same just as the first time I met Aiden. And somehow, there's a familiar pain in my chest whenever I remember.

The books arrived. The table was then filled with the books and all of a sudden I remember how it all started. How it was all about being successful at first. That I was only writing just to be published only to realize as I was writing the final pages that I am writing for someone else instead of me.

There are about seven billion people in the world. About one fourth of them might be seeing the book I wrote somewhere and might chance upon reading it. About fifty thousand copies to be circulated and sold for the first printing. I am obviously not good in math, but I hope that in that seven billion people, one guy will chance upon reading one of the fifty thousand copies and maybe, just maybe, realize that it was of him.

"Allie! We're about to start. Come here and sit. Here's your pen." Katie handed me a black pen and the book signing session began.

"May all our wishes come true." I wrote that over and over until my hands hurt. But it didn't matter, this is what I've been dreaming. Can you see it mom? I made the right choice when I stopped going to school.

It wasn't much but I've become the writer I've always wanted to be. I am on to the next book that I will sign when all of a sudden my eyes instinctively look up and I saw him. The man who started it all.

There's again, a man. A tall one. His hair a shade of black. I try scratching my eyes to see if he is real. Tried shaking my head and kept on pinching my cheeks to know if he's really here. If it's not a dream. If he's real. He is.

He lifts one book up and stares a while at the cover. I watch him flip it back and continue to watch him as he reads the blurb. He smiles faintly. And all of a sudden I am being taken in in a whirlpool of memories of Aiden and I. The sanctuary. The pen. The amusement parks. The feeling of love. And how I watch him fade while he held my hand. I wanted so much to call him. I stand up ready to call his name but then he looks up and smiles at me and all I can ever do is to fervently pray that he knows how much I love him.

We stood there, looking each other in the eyes, his smile not leaving his face. Something warm grazes my hand and I wonder what magic does love hold to suddenly make it feel like he is holding my hand even if he is inches away.

I tried memorizing that moment. Tried my hardest to keep it in my mind so when I try to recall it will be just like this. Real.

He slowly puts the book back as he gently breaks the connection between us by bowing his head as he walks away.

Still, I watch him go.


And then all of a sudden gone

---THE END---

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