"Yes, let's take this to my office." The man answered, practically yanking his hand from her grip.

Regina frowned, but found herself following him. As soon as the door was closed, she turned her charm back on. As Thomas leaned against his desk facing her, she leaned against the door and locked it with the flick of her wrist.

"Brandy," she commented, sashaying over to the crystal-cut glasses. "Don't mind if I do. Would you care for a glass, Thomas?"

"Please sit down," the man said, motioning to the seat in front of him.

Regina did so, whiskey-colored eyes burning as she gazed up at him. She opened her legs just a little, enough for him to glance down at her toned thighs. He quickly shook off the lust, clearing his throat to distract himself.

"Miss Mills, it seems as though you will not be able to adopt a child through our agency. Or rather, any agency. We were unable to find background information about you before 1983. Although your record is clean and you have impressive standings with being the mayor of your town and remaining financially stable, it simply isn't enough."

Regina stood, wrapping her dark-lacquered nails around the man's tie and tugging down before placing a chaste kiss to his jawline. "We can make it enough, can't we?"

The man paused for a moment before firmly pushing her away. "I'm married with three children. What we did was a mistake. I- I wasn't thinking."

Regina's jaw tightened, her eyes narrowing into slits. "You didn't care about that when you were bending me over that fancy sports car of yours, did you? I have the power to ruin you. I can make your life a living hell, make it so you'll be living on the streets out of nothing but a cardboard box."

To her surprise, Thomas stepped forward with his eyes blazing. "What about you, Madame Mayor? What would your town think if they knew about your scandal? Is that how you became mayor? You slept your way to the top?"

Regina stepped forward and the man nearly fell back in fear. "The people of my town respect me. They know who they're dealing with. And I would make a great mother, I'll have you know. So, unless you want me to tell everyone about your own little scandal, I suggest you give me the son you promised me."

"Get out," the man said, his voice a near whisper. "What?" Regina snarled. "I said get out! Before I call security!" Thomas yelled.

Regina left the building with a smile on her face. In mere minutes, everyone that Thomas Connor knew (including his wife) would know of his dark secret. Regina had left him in quite the predicament; pants down, gagged, handcuffed to his desk. The picture she had sent to everyone in his contacts list looked just lovely. And if he tried to retaliate, he wouldn't be able to. Storybrooke was a hidden gem, only she had the power to come and go.

But what was she going to do about filling that void inside of her? She no longer had magic; she couldn't just conjure up a child.

On the long drive back home, a small seed planted itself in her mind. The Savior was her key. Of course; why didn't she think of it before? It would take time and meticulous planning with some help from a reluctant ally, but it might just work. Her perfect revenge.

2 Years Later:

"Stop here, please," Emma Swan instructed the taxi driver as they rounded the corner onto an empty street. The only source of light came from an old neon bar sign that was broken on one side and hanging precariously off a brick ledge.

The taxi driver turned around in his seat, eyebrows raised. "You sure you want me to drop ya off right here, Miss? A young lady such as yourself shouldn't be in this type of neighborhood, especially at night."

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