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Chapter 2 | Dinner

Sebastian wanted to stand and leave that fucking place right away when Sandra sat beside Levi. He wanted to straddle his friend right at the moment for setting him up with her, despite knowing how much he hated it to be involve with someone like the woman in front of him. The very reason as to why was he keep on refusing Simon to make an appointment to meet up with her.

"You didn't tell me you brought a friend," Sandra said sweetly as her eyes landed on Sebastian, smoldering him with that amused gaze.

However, he avoided it almost immediately for he didn't want to have an eye contact with her. Good thing, the waiter came just right on time and gave them the menu as they all seated properly. He took that opportunity as an excuse for his action. But still, as he pretended to be having trouble on choosing the food to order, he could feel the woman's stares were glued on him, making his brows formed in deep furrow, whilst he was doing his best ignoring it and pretends to focus his whole attention on the menu in his hands.

"I'm sorry. I just thought seeing you alone here will cause another headline tomorrow. So, I decided to bring a friend," said Levi with his unusual gentle voice as if trying to impress the woman.

Sebastian's eyes quickly shifted on his friend rather surprised. But he was a bit taken aback when he caught him already looking at him with a smugged grin plastered on his lips. Automatically, he got what he meant and he glared at him in return then grimaced.

Damn Levi for making him a chaperone! He groaned inwardly.

Heaving a sigh, he momentarily shut his eyes before going back to read the menu again.

"It's been a while since we last saw each other. You've changed a lot Levi," Sandra commented.

Sebastian scowled at the menu he was holding upon hearing how soft and sweet her voice was that it almost give him chills. He didn't need to make an effort to be updated with the woman. Because the medias and people around him, most especially his brother, were always talking about her in the daily basis. He didn't need to research how she talks, laughs, and how sweet her smile was, to know if she's just trying hard to sound seductive, for everywhere he goes, her pictures and videos flashes as if letting everyone knows about her her damn existence. Her sweet, soft spoken voice sounded so natural that made his heart palpitated. He clutched the menu so tight that he almost crumpled it.

When the two suddenly stopped talking, he took the chance to give Sandra a furtively glance. And he immediately averted his gaze when she caught him.

"What's your name?" she asked as if she'd forgotten his existence for a few seconds.

Sebastian mentally cursed.

He wanted to pretend that he didn't hear her, and was too damn preoccupied to the meals he eagerly wants to order. But he felt a quite painful kicked on his shin under the table that made him jerked a little bit.

"He's Ph--"

"Sebastian," He quickly cutted Levi and gave him a sharp glare, then, politely extended his hand to Sandra out of courtesy.

He heard his friend chuckled and looked very amused at his action. And all he could do was to click his tongue without a sound.

"Hmm. Sebastian.. I'm Sandra"

Sebastian's attention quickly drifted to Sandra the moment he felt her soft and warm hand as she took his for a shake. His heart did a summersault. All of a sudden, the pumping of his chest accelerated, making him immediately pulled his hand away as he quickly averted his gaze from Sandra who was watching him intently with eyes dancing in amusement whilst flashing him her infamous sweet smile. Damn could be damn, but that fucking smile surely can make every man falls on their knees' and kiss the ground she's walking on.

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