Chapter 39: Council of War

Start from the beginning

"We've missed you," Rhoda replied, holding on for another full half minute before finally releasing her. Looking over Katherine's shoulder, she saw Flavia disembarking from the Argus, and her eyes went wide as she recognized the golden cybernetic arm. She blinked her surprise away, "If you'll come with me, Mother Superior, we have much to discuss."

The Canoness nodded, turning to address the other freshly-promoted acolytes…the teenaged girls now hardened into veterans through blood and fire, "Find Mother Elizabeth, Palatine of the second Mission. Tell her I have assigned you to her. You are to be assigned a slot as a reserve squad with Flavia as Sister Superior."

"But…" Flavia protested. "Mother Superior…we do not wish to be sent to the reserve. We are ready to return to the fight!" Several of the other young sisters exclaimed their agreement with an enthusiasm that both saddened Katherine, and made her heart swell with pride. 

"Go find Elizabeth, get some food, and get some rest," Katherine admonished, pointing a finger at the lot of them. "This is likely your only opportunity before we go back on the offensive. That is an order." As she turned back to Rhoda, closing the subject, the young sisters began filing away. Last to go was Flavia, looking wistfully over her shoulder as she did.

"Were we ever that young?" Rhoda asked, shaking her head.

"Seems a long time ago…another life." Katherine sighed, allowing herself to be led to an Immolator APC that had been drafted to serve as their headquarters. 

"So…you opened the box…" Rhoda said, casting a sidelong glance at the Canoness as they entered the vehicle. "You've brought out the Manus Victoriae." She found a teapot set on a hotplate in the corner and poured them each a cup of the strong brew. She handed Katherine a cup, without sugar…for such luxuries were sinful, of course, "The Arm of Saint Victoria…you've held that relic for years now…swore you wouldn't use it unless faced with the most direst of circumstances."

"Circumstances are dire indeed," Katherine sighed as she sipped the bitter tea. 

"I understand your reluctance…given the prophecies involved with the Relic," Rhoda continued. "It is a heavy burden to bear…the weight of that responsibility." When Katherine did not answer, they sat in silence for a moment. "She's…so young."


"Why her? Why that girl?" Rhoda asked, regarding her over the rim of her cup. "I thought…well, I thought you would have given it to someone…older. Not only for the experience…but…" She shrugged. "Whoever bears the Manus Victoriae is doomed to a short life of conflict and martyrdom. For a woman our age…someone who's lived a full life, martyrdom is a small price…but for a girl so young…she's barely lived at all."

Katherine continued her silence, gazing deep into her tea, so Rhoda pressed on, "I always thought it would eventually go to Eve, or Dinah, or Rebecca. I even thought you'd refuse to give that fate to anyone and bear that burden yourself, responsibilities be damned…"

"I cannot take it…if I could, I would have," Katherine said. "I am the custodian of the Martyr's Aegis and Magdalena's Bane. I could not use the relic." She set the cup down, anger in her voice. "And Eve is martyred. Dinah…martyred. Rachel, too. And Rebecca…a fate worse than martyrdom." She shook her head and controlled her anger, "When Flavia was wounded…losing her arm…it was a sign. A sign from the Emperor that he'd chosen her."

"So young…" Rhoda sighed, maudlin.

"We are all martyrs, Rhoda…from the moment we take our vows as Sororitas. At that moment we have all chosen to die in His service. The only question is how long we serve him in this life…and how long in the afterlife."

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