Cyclic Battle

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  • Dedicated to Everyone that's served for their country

Weapons poised and gripped in our hands

We're far from home, encroaching on distant land

We've come to fight, protect and defend

Even if we never come home again

The world is torn with battle cries

We try in vain to save childrens' lives

We bomb and shoot and carry the dead

We work until our legs are lead

The mud slides under our feet

Most of us feel frail as wheat

Our thoughts begin to cloud with doubt

We start to question what this is all about

Why can't we just go back home?

Is the constant, endless moan

But in our hearts we know we must stay

To help these people see another day

Even though war will never end

It's a cyclie battle, but we will pretend

That peace draws near

For you

For me

For us

We will carry on for this sphere,

Earth - our home

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