Pure Silence

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Silence,pure silence I'm not talking about the fake silence with faint music or your parents watching the game in the background. No I'm talking about the real silence the pure quiet,the one where your headphones are on but no sound is blaring through them. The one where you can understand your own thoughts and hear your own breathing this is Emily's favorite kind of silence sitting out in nowhere can feel like everywhere when its like this. When your out on a hill in the shade of a gorgeous green tree the summer sun missing you away from the never changing smells of sunscreen and fresh cut grass. Out here Emily could focus on the world around her,the changes that occurred around her ones you could notice anywhere and ones you would only realize if you were out there with her almost every day no matter the season. The world is always changing and if you didn't learn to change with it you would get left behind at least that's how it was in Emily's world. But sometimes the world changes a little to much and its almost impossible to change with it.

"Yeah well my mom says she's almost here" said Emily's best friend Annie who had spent the day at her house obsessing over her period,this made no sense to Emily she hadn't started hers and she really didn't want to why would anyone?!But of course Emily couldn't judge Annie because everyone including Emily saw her as someone who was given bottled up perfection as a child and now could do nothing wrong,Emily had never seen her trip or get a grade below a B+. No joke from her glossy,blond hair running down her back in two dutch braids to her lilac fingernails,the only thing Emily could see wrong with her was behind her chocolate eyes there was no sparkle something Emily was constantly told she had in her ocean blue ones. "Em...Em!" Annie almost snapped"my moms here see ya"Annie sang"oh bye"called Emily as Annie swung open the front door and skipped down the steps to her mom's car. 

A hour after Annie had left Emily hopped on her rickety,pale blue and white bike and began speeding towards the hill. Higher and Higher up the hill Emily went the easier it seemed to breath and use all her senses. Arriving at "her" tree Emily slumped against the trunk under the shady green leaves it always looked like this in summer. Here she could sit and rest,closing her eyes with no distractions soaking in the real silence

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