Chapter 26: Calm Before The Storm

Start from the beginning


Sebastian brushed the burrs from his mare’s tail needing some form of activity to steady his nerves. Ever since last evening his mind had constantly been returning to that moment before Kat had changed. Her blue eyes had been wide with surprise as her unique scent of vanilla had assailed his senses. For a moment he had even found it hard to remember the purpose of his actions.

The mare whickered softly and butted his shoulder with her head as he began combing out her mane her large brown eye staring back at him intelligently.

“What am I to do Ren? Things were so much simpler before that girl came along, perhaps it would be best if Rhose took her with him. What do you say?” The mare, named for the graceful and beautiful lotus, butted his shoulder again and lipped the fabric of his coat, searching for the sugar cubes he sometimes carried for her.

Smiling thinly he reached into his pocket and gave her the treat she sought; it seemed cats weren’t the only animals he could tolerate. Lately he had realized horses could have just as much attitude as Kat and just as many varied personalities.

The other three horses in the stable perked their ears forward the scent of the sugar being more than enough to gain their attention. Melentha, Rhose’s gangly black mare, snorted and tossed her delicate head. Francis, Kats grey gelding, neighed softly and nuzzled noses with the mare through the bars. He was already saddled and ready to go, but he had been adamant in the fact that there was still grain in the bottom of his feed bucket and had nearly dragged the demon butler back into his stall before he had been released.

“Are you ready to go Sebastian? I’m sorry that I’m late, Meyrin spilled a thing of water on my first dress so I had to change.” Sebastian turned to see Kat standing at the front of the stable in a simple yellow dress with a square neckline and tiny white beading detail around that and the hem. The red ribbon he had given her was a shock against the yellow bringing the attention back up to her face and eyes.

Realizing he was staring he quickly looked away, “That’s no excuse, your horse, and I say the term loosely, for I fear he may be a whale for as much as he eats, is in his stall gorging himself.”

Kat harrumphed and whistled, the slightly overweight Francis turned and trotted to her, his tail swishing in Sebastian’s face as he passed. “Did that mean fellow call you big? He’s so mean isn’t he? Give him the mean look.” Francis turned his head on command, his docile brown eye taking in the irritated butler. “Good boy.” Kat reached into her pocket to give him a sugar cube.

“That really not helping his weight you know.”

“Oh hush.” Kat swung up into the saddle with eases, he skirt rising up above her calves. “He moves faster than your mare anyway, this isn’t fat its muscle.” She patted Francis’ ample side, earning a snort of pleasure from the, in Sebastian’s opinion, lazy animal.

“I sincerely doubt that, especially since his rider gets motion sickness if she goes to fast.” Sebastian swung himself up into the saddle beside her trotting Ren towards the doors.

Kat cut him off, “I hate to tell you Mr. Smirk-at-the-idiot I don’t get motion sickness anymore, ever since Rhose gave me that collar it’s all gone.”

“Good for you, have you thought of anyplace that you would like to visit today? I have been given strict orders on what is to happen today and I am not permitted to return home with you until at least eleven-o-clock.”

“Eleven!” Kat blinked with surprise, “But then who will make the Young Master’s meals? Do the chores?”

Ren brushed passed Francis as they moved out of the stable into the sunlight, “Those were my thoughts exactly. When I voice them I was told by your Master that he was perfectly capable of doing a few chores and keeping people on task.”

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