April's fools

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Tony- Tony dredded this day because you hid his alcohol and acted wasted saying you drank it all. You did this every year and Tony knew it but he played along to make you happy.

Clint- you had snuck into the Armory and put grease on Clints bow. Clint was getting some practice in. You heard him yell your name when he realized his hands turned black. You laughed and hid after yelling "April's fools "

Bruce- you agree not to play a joke on him and you watched the other avengers to make sure they didn't prank him. You didn't want him to "hulk out"

Thor- (don't hurt me this is the first thing I thought of ) you put a fake version of his hammer on the table and waited till he came in. You picked it up and watched thors face. "April's fools " You said and a smile returned to his face.

Loki- you teamed up with him to prank the avengers  (I know this one's short but I'm going to make a story for him in my imagine book)

Natasha- you tried pranking her every year and every year you ended up in a head lock .so this year you desided against trying.

Steve- you told Steve different history facts that weren't true for a joke but the joke was on you because he already knew the things you were saying weren't true.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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