Chapter I: Wishful Thinking

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     A strong chilled wind rushed down from the peak of Daddenmount through Ziarman Woods. The chill of winter was coming.  It continued cutting through the land till it finally settled in the fields of Zorin.  Teeming with plant life and small critters preparing for the winter. The sounds of insects and the scurrying of small game dominated the field . All of them going about the rituals that come with the season. The remaing flowers dot the field in every color you can think of, giving off their sweet aroma. All is at peace and  everything is as it should be.  Oblivious to the the conflict  lingering just at either end of the field. Soon a new color shall be added to the field, the crimson color of blood.

     A shiver runs down his spine as a strong gust of snow laden wind blows through his ranks. "I really do hate these winter campaigns." Dalred lets out a long drawn out sigh, "Frankly, I hate these campaigns all together."  Bunshichii lets out a hearty laugh and speaks in a mocking way, "Oh yes, The only son of Ma'thiadan that hates war! Is that not how your family Rose to power in the first place? In the times of war that you hate oh so much? Face it Darlad! It is in your blood! You ,along with every male in your family, has lead the empire's Campaigns since time beyond memory!" Bunshichii lets out another laugh at Darlads expense. "Oh shut your damn mouth you hairy oaf." Growls Darlad, which in turn, cause Bunshichii to laugh all the harder. "Come now! It is all in good jest!" says Bunshichii through a hoarse voice from laughing as he slaps his hand hard against Darlad's shoulder. Darlad rolls his eyes and just sighs again. It is the truth after all. His family, since the founding of the Empire, had always lead it's armies. Each son trained from a young age in the ways of strategies, battles, fighting, and everything else one needs to be an instrument of death. This never appealed to Darlads taste, but what choice did he have? This is the only life he'd ever known. One would think he would have come to terms with it, but yet he never fully accepted this as his life. Constantly conquering lands in the name of his King who truly cares nothing for his people. Only the need to grow in power drove that asshole. It sickend him having to order his men to rain down destruction on his foes, the men and yes woman just trying to defend their home from the ever hungry Empire. How many times has he had to order a family killed because they would not cooperate he ponderd? Too many times than he wished to count, while just wishing to just end this and settle down and pick up an art. " Just wishful and pointless thinking." Darlad grumbles to him self. "what was that boy?" asks Bunshichii who'd only picked up the last bit, "Nothing, just working out our strategy".

    Darlad looks up to find the postion of the sun through the clouds, "Just approaching noon," says Bunshichii, as he moves in closer and towers over him, Darlad Is not a small man, he is of average height and build, sitting at 5'11" with a well toned body from years of training, short well kept black hair, with a well trimmed gotee, but compared to Bunshichii he seemed almost a child. Sitting at 6'6" with huge arms and broad shoulders and hands the size of a child's skull. Long Black hair that goes down to his shoulders, touched with  white and gray from years on the battlefield, and a thick but well kept beard.  He'd served with Darlad's father for as long as he could remember, always a friend of the family. Tho loud and  obnoxious at times, with an ill sense of humor at best. He really isn't all that bad though just rough around the edges. He is reliable and has saved Darlad's life to many times to count. "You know we should get this started, they wont agree, but then they never agree." whispers Bunshichii. Darladd runs his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath. He was right though they never accept, but if there is even a slim chance that someone will hear and see reason he had to try. "I know, but if I don't at least try to parlay I wouldn't be able to live with my self. I just hope that one day people will see reason." Darlad lets his shoulders slump, and as if On que Bunshichii sends in another bone rattling slap to the back. "Oh cheer up boy! Maybe these few will see your way of thinking!" Darlad groans and tries to work out the stiffness in his shoulder. "I wish you would stop that." In turn cause Bunshichii to just start up again, sending in another slap.

    "Sir! A rider approaches!" one of the many restless soldier called from down the line, Darlad and Bunshichii turn to see the form of a horse riding back to them. Darlad holds his breath hoping for the best, till the horse comes into better view and you can see the limp form  thrown onto it's back. Darlad lets out his breath and makes a sound of disgust, "Always the wishful thinker!" he mutters to him self in the mocking tone Bunshichii used earlier, he sits up straight on his horse and readies himself for the thing he hated most. Riding out in front of the ranks so all can see him and Raising his voice to be heard. "They have declined the parlay. They have forced our hands, and now we must act. Steel your selves men, for we ride to battle! May we fight well and return home to our families, and if you don't make it, die happy knowing you fought well and died with a sword in your hand!"   He hated this speech, but he couldn't say how he really felt about all this. Come men! Let us go and kill for our power hungry king! Let us shed the innocent blood of those who have done nothing more than defend their home! Darlad smooths his face knowing that his disgust is clearly showing by the look Bunshichii shoots him. "Come men, we march to meet the ones who threaten our homes. For Amerdian! For the Empire! For our King!" a loud roar issues down the line with cheeres for the king and Empire and for the glory of the battle, oh how he hated this.

    Orders are passed down the line as Darlad takes his place at the head of the force, with Bunshichii at his side. "You do have a way with words, as I said it is in your blood." Bunshichii gives him a wink and a chuckle, "Do you ever know when to shut up?" Growls Darlad, Bunshichii lets out another heart filled laugh, but doesn't do one of his famous bone rattling slaps, which Darlad is thankful for. They ride on quietly from there on the only sound the creaking of armor, the stamping of boots and hoofs, and the breathing of men accompanied by the howl of the wind, but Darlad is already hearing the screams of pain and anger that always comes with these blood baths. He shakes his head banishing the dreadful thoughts. Though he may hate it he owes it to his men to be at his peak, their lives are in his hands, and he is determined to save as many as he can today. Even if it pales to the number of lives that will be trampled under the advance of his army. No not his army, but that of a power hungry king that he is forced to serve.

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