Chapter 37- Falling Into You

Start from the beginning

Eddie: Well how about we do it when the time is right again?! You know, when the mood gets better and more appropriate! *he laughs then kisses Loren back*

Eddie stands up and walks over to the piano and sits down. He looks behind him and motions for Loren to sit next to him. She gets up and does.

Eddie: I have another song I want to play for you...

Eddie is interrupted by a knock at the door. He tells Loren to hold on and he gets up and answer the door. Still shirtless and in his sweats, he opens the door to find Jake standing there with his notes and phone and all the other stuff buisiness men carry around (lol). Eddie gets a surprised look on his face and then it dawns to him why he's there.

Jake: He muscle man! *he says laughing and invites himself in and walks right by Eddie*

Eddie: I'm sorry I totally forgot you were coming over! And I forgot to tell you....

Jake: Loren!

Jake says surprised by finding Loren sitting on the piano bench feeling awkward.

Jake: Am I interrupting something? If so, sorry about that! I should...

Eddie: No, stay! I'll go put on a shirt. Be right back!

Eddie leaves to go upstairs and put a shirt on leaving Jake and Loren in awkward silence.

Jake: So Loren, what are you doing here?!

Loren: Oh well I just moved in with Eddie... tonight.

Jake: Woah! That's abig step for you two. Congratulations. *he says with a worried smile*

Loren: So did Kelly mention to you when I should come back into the office?

Jake: Yeah, she actually has tons of things lined up for you. She said she'll have you come in anyday. Whatever works for you.

Loren: That's great! Well I'll probably come down tomorrow.

Jake: Maybe you can convince Ed to come with you. I need to have a longer meeting with him, than this.

Eddie: *walks back in the room* Jake, you don't have to be convincing my girlfriend to bring me into the office. I planned on coming in. Especially now that she's going! *he says as he puts his arm around Loren and kisses her on the cheek at the end of his sentence*

Jake: Well what time should we expect you two?

Loren: Probably around noon. If that's all right with you babe.

Eddie: It's perfect.

Jake: Well let's hear that song!

Eddie: Oh yeah!

Eddie walks over to the piano once again and sits down on the bench. Loren sits next to him. Jake stands next to the piano and folds his arms waiting to judge.

Eddie: *nudges Loren's arm* This one is for someone I love with all my heart. *He starts to play*


What I would do, to see you again.

What I would say. For the first time.

Cause time is on a thread, you don't know what you've lost and broken.

Turn your head away, cause it's pretty safe to say, I was foolish.

I want you. I need you.

There's nothing I would change.

I'm faling into you.(X2) Falling(X4)

There's nothing I can do.

I'm breathless without you.

So I will breath in.... and out.

What I would do. To feel you again.

I'm standing on the edge and I know that, you're my ledge in a whole. Yeah.

I see you. I feel you.

There's nothing I would change.

I'm falling into you.(X2)

There's nothing I can do.

I'm breathless without you.

So I will breath in... and breath out. (X2)

You can't help what you can't touch and it hurts babe.

Some lights are too bright to cage.

It's so strange how the strong ones are the first ones, but I don't want you to fall...

I'm falling into you.....

Eddie plays the last note and looks at Loren in tears smiling. Jake nods his head in agreement and left to allow Loren to show her feelings. When the door shuts, Loren wraps her arms around Eddie and kisses him with passion. Eddie slowly stands up without breaking the kiss and picks Loren up. She swings her legs around his waist and he carries her upstairs, still without breaking the kiss. He sets her down on the large, round, soft coffee table/ chair and gets on top of her.

Loren: Is this the right reason? *she says out of breath then leans her head up to meet his lips again*

Eddie: Definetly. *Continues to kiss her and remove clothes off himself and her quickly.*

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