Chapter 34: Broken

Start from the beginning

"Yes," Katherine replied firmly. "Gaius has struck with overwhelming force. We cannot hold here." A Hospitaller came over and began to tend the Canoness' arm. "We may be able to withdraw through the Catacombs. I see two options. We retreat to the Arbites Precinct House, which can likely hold against a concerted siege for some time. Or...we can evacuate from the city completely. I...have a place we may be able to go."

Simone drew a deep breath, wincing as her abused ribs ached. "Do we realistically have any chance to hold the Precinct house?"

"For some time...yes," Katherine replied. "Though not indefinitely. Eventually Gaius will roll the heavy artillery in and blast down the walls. However, it may hold long enough for reinforcements to come. My Commandery is in are some of Lazarus' Cadians."

"I don't like the thought of abandoning the city to its fate. Do we have any other strongholds?"

"The Imperial Fortress on the hill, but that seems to be the main focus of the attack. I don't think it will hold." She sighed.

Simone pulled the borrowed cloak around herself. "Is it lost then?" She looked up at Katherine, a dullness in her eyes. "Is he truly this powerful?"

The Canoness grit her teeth, "He has laid in wait for years, plotting this campaign against his home world. We were not prepared...but he can be beaten. We defeated him before."

"Defeated, but not destroyed." Simone sighed. "If there is a way we must find it. This cannot be allowed to spread. Even if the whole Byzantium itself must be cleansed." 

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Katherine said with her eyes burning brightly. "I've seen a planet condemned to Exterminatus. It isn't something one forgets." The Hospitaller finished her ministrations and while the arm was stabilized, she still couldn't use it. "Gather anything you need, we should move out before Gaius comes back..."

Simone climbed shakily to her feet. She refused to show just how much the thought of confronting him again disturbed her. She quietly probed her shield. Amazingly, shards of it remained. Gaius had not completely broken it. But she refused to believe that he had left her mind so untouched. His corruption had to be there: waiting until the right time to shatter, not only her, but the rest of the Imperials. Please, loving Father, god Emperor… She couldn't finish the thought. She lightly touched Katherine on the shoulder, "Katherine," she swallowed roughly, "If you see…anything…anything at all, about …me. Promise." She looked the other woman directly in the eye, "Promise, you will end it." 

"If it comes to that, I'll send you to the Emperors Embrace, I promise," The Canoness replied simply.

Simone nodded, strangely comforted that Katherine still thought that she would deserve to enter the Emperor's light after everything.

"Unless you can give a better suggestion, I think we should attempt to join the Commissar with the Arbites." She shook her head, "Perhaps it isn't too late to turn this tide."

"I think I may be able to tell us where... she paused a foul taste rising in her mouth, she forced to herself to say his name calmly ,"Gaius." she breathed deeply, "Where he is hiding. Where his lair is." She went to the far wall of the alcove and retrieved the leather satchel with its treasure of maps. She grinned a bit manically, "Gaius had stood right next to the thing that might prove his downfall..." She trailed off, but he had been too eager to get to her. She stopped, the gears of her mind turning. "Decimus said I was one of his weaknesses. His arrogance in claiming his …Bride…would blind him."

"We may be able to use that..." Katherine watched her curiously. "...if you're willing to dangle yourself as bait."

She nodded without saying anything. It would be an answer, she thought. A way to somehow wash the stain from her soul and find redemption. Suddenly, the heavy, bass thud, thud, thud of bolters reverberated from the hallway. Katherine moved for the doorway, "We've run out of time...they're here!" 

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