Chapter 5 : Explanation

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I looked out the window at my house as we pulled into the driveway. How the hell was I going to explain to my parents that I had been tied to a tree in a graveyard? Amis turned off the truck and looked at me sympathetically. "I know how it is. Why don't I explain it, so that way you don't get eaten alive?" I nodded hopefully, grateful that Amis would explain it all.

I opened the door and looked up at the sunny sky, glad that I wasn't in the graveyard anymore. I shivered just thinking about the awful place. I walked up to my house with Amis, but stopped in my tracks. I rubbed my eyes in shock, but when I looked again, I saw that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. There was a police car parked across the street. I gulped down the vile tasting stuff in my mouth and grabbed Amis's arm. "Amis ! Look! " His eyes followed my pointer finger and instantly landed on the police car "Oh no," he whispered and bolted toward my house. I quickly followed and reached the door in about .05 seconds. I grabbed the door handle and open the door. "Mom! Dad! I'm here! " I stepped into the living room and was greeted by the sight of my mom crying. Her head snapped up and she stared at me in disbelief.

But her face quickly twisted into relieved anger. She ran over tome and scooped me into a hug. I tried to hug her back , but I could barley move my arms, she was hugging me so hard. "Where have you been! We've been looking everywhere for you! " my mom yelled still hugging me like a lunatic "I - I was -" "He was just .. out with some of his friends," Amis said , trying to save me from trying to explain .

"Er, ya, I was just hanging out with some friends," I said , hoping my voice sounded sincere. My mom didn't buy it. "No, we called all your friends and all of them said they hadn't you seen since school," my mom said, letting me go, so I could get a breath. I gasped and gulped in as much air as I could. I glanced around the living room and spotted my dad and sister, Tonya, looking at me expectantly. Tonya looked like she would start laughing the instant I tried to explain where I was. "Um, he was hanging outwith a kid that just moved in. H-he spent the night there but forgot to call you," Amis said , making the cheesiest puppy dog face known to man. It was a weak excuse, but Amis didn't seem like he was very good at thinking on his feet.

My mom looked at Amis and scowled. "Who the hell are you!"she yelled, taking a step in front of me. "That's, um, the new kids dad," I lied, feeling like a complete idiot. Why didn't I just tell them the truth?

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