606 17 1

PerlaaaPimentel Idk why sorry 😅😂❤

Joels Pov

I woke up the next day and remembered what happened yesterday
"Smh Chris mean..."

I looked at my phone and saw a message from erick
Lüvhim: hey me and Christopher are coming over I'm a few he needs to say something to you k bud ❤

I just smiled and responded ok
"I wonder what Chris wants to say"
*few mins later*
I heard a knock on a door I ran and opened it it was erick i smiled and hugged him but let go when I saw Chris I rolled my eyes and stepped back they entered and I closed the door we all sat on the couch erick raised and eyebrow at Chris

"Well..." Erick said looking at Chris he sighed and Chris stood up

"Um... I'm sorry about yesterday Joel I regret saying that forgive me?" I smiled and stood up

"Ok I forgive you" he hugged me then he whispered something to me
"We need to talk" his voice gave me chills 

"Um erick can I speak to Joel in private please?" He smiled innocently erick nodded and left the room Chris pushed me on the couch and grabbed me by the shirt

"I know you like erick I do too hes mine back off" he smirked and I pushed him

"Haha no bitch excuse me he's mine you can't have him" I crossed my arms
"Oh he's yours let's see about that he'll be mine soon Joel..." I had chills

"Fuck you chris I don't forgive now... Were enemies"

"Enemies? Since you didn't mean your apology obviously I don't forgive you by the way" I raised an eyebrow at him

"Enemies" Christopher laughed a little then erick entered the room again

"Y'all done and if not sorry for interupting" he smiled nervously

"No its ok me and him don't need to talk anymore" Chris smiled and hugged Erick I rolled my eyes

"This bitch"

erick backed up and looked at Chris weirdly and laughed

"Weirdo" He laughed then he walked towards me but then turned back to look at Christopher

"Um I need to talk to him alone so can you know Yea" Chris left the room it was only me and him he sat down next to me and hugged me tight
"How have you been sleeping friend?" Erick smiled
"Good I love this teddy bear" i hugged it he grabbed it from me and kissed it and gave it back

"My heart hella heart eyes for him..."

I laughed a little and blushed

Ericks Pov

"Why do you always ask me this erick?" I felt awkward when he asked me this I didn't know what to say

"You know just saying" I was nervous

"No its because I miss you bud... I miss sleeping next to you oh haha now I'm the kid"
"Ah ok" He made a heart with he's hands I did it back then Chris entered the room
"Erick can we go back to the hotel I'm tired" he pouted

"Really bro... And k whatever he's so cute when he pouts wait... what am I saying haha"
"Ok let's go bye Joel call you later ok" i hugged him one more time before I left and drove back

*at hotel*

It was night I was looking at my ceiling then Chris broke the silence 

"Dude why so quite?" He looked concerned I sighed

"Nothing just tired I don't wanna sleep alone I miss Joel" I pouted and looked at Chris
"He is Now turning you into a kid haha" he got up and cuddled me on my bed

"There I will sleep with you now kid" he laughed a little I blushed

"I'm not a kid Chris shut up... Why do I feel this way it weird I don't even know how I feel right now"

"Good night erick" he turned off the lamp I felt shy
"Good night Chris..."
:) (sorry for any spelling mistakes)
Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter
Christopher better back up! 😂


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