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A RAVEN HAIRED GIRL CLAD in a white Greek toga and silver gaunlets, ran through the streets of Gotham City with only the dim light of the moon to guide her way. There was no one around and of course, it was to be expected. Gotham City was not a place to be roaming around at night with the criminals running loose, but clearly the girl either did not know or did not care.

She had come from a place where no man were allowed to step foot on―Paradise Island; where women called the Amazonians resided in, where women were trained to be warriors without the aid of men, and where a little girl who was destined to be great, was put under too much pressure.

Her name was Donna Troy, the girl that was currently running straight into the face of danger. She had escaped her refuge and ended up in the slums of Gotham City. An unnerving place, of course, but she was tired and needed to find a place to stay for the time being.

Just then, a green light passed by, lighting up the place with an eerily green glow. She barely had time to gawk at it as it went as fast as it came, the streets soon becoming dark once again.

Curious, she ran in the direction she thought the green beam had flown to. She knew it meant bad news and so quickening her pace, she searched the skies for any signs of the green light. When she did not find anything, she decided to take it to the skies herself, and search from above. Then hearing a crash from behind, she turned around and saw darker smoke flying into the air which then mixed with the lighter smog of Gotham City.

Upon arriving at the scene, she landed softly, seeing a girl wearing some kind of armor that Donna had never seen before. Her eyes were like toxix, and her hair like blood with skin that glowed like gold. It was obvious she was out of this world quite literally. She had never met one before, yet all her life, she was taught about the gods, the 12 Olympians who ruled from above, in their kingdom called Olympus.

'Men were the epitome of evil," they told her, "stay away from those who strike a hand on you." But they had kept her hidden for too long. She needed to go out into the world. She needed to know.


Cautious, Donna crept towards the girl, her curiosity growing. Seeing the girl posing no threat, she marched up to the confused alien. Taking a closer look, she saw that the girl's hands were held together in a very thick handcuff, almost similar to her gauntlets. The girl then went into defensive mode, speaking in a language Donna did not understand. She tried to reason with the alien, putting her hands up and holding a screwdriver she picked up from the sidewalk to show she meant to harm, but only to free her from the handcuffs.

The alien girl relented and gave in, holding her hands out to Donna who happily unscrewed the screws holding the handcuff together. Then, without warning, the girl kissed Donna, who dropped her screwdriver by surprise. The kiss was quick, and didn't last very long. As the girl pulled away, Donna lifted a hand to her lips, the feel of the kiss still upon her lips.

"Thank you for helping me. I am Princess Kor'iandr of Tamaran." she introduced herself. "And you are?"

"Donna. Donna Troy of Themyscira...?"

"It is nice to meet you, Donna Troy of Themyscira, but I am afraid I have to leave." Kory said and was about to leave but Donna stopped her.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Donna asked, suddenly feeling like she had to follow Kory wherever she was going.

"To hide." Kory stated flatly. "Danger arrives."

"Let me come with you." Donna asked. "Please. I have nowhere else to go."

Kory frowned, but then smiled. "Of course. let's go."

And the two flew away, just in time before sirens were heard and a man dressed in black dropped from the rooftops, only to be met by an empty crater where smoke rose from.

He narrowed his eyes. He was too late.

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