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"Aw are you scared to fight me (Y/N)?" Felix taunted from in front of me raising his fist. Rolling my eyes I scoffed tying my hair up. "Why would I be scared? I'm the one who actually trains."

Felix walked around me, as I still stood my ground. "You're scared to  lose." I shook my head as I started following his lead ready to get the fight over with.

"I don't think I'm the one who should be scared of losing." I stated balling my hands into fist. Quickly Felix lunged at me throwing a fist my way as I dodged it. I smirked over at him.

"You know you aren't so scary without​ that club." I said over to him walking behind him and kicking the back of his leg.
"No kicking!" He yelled at me falling to the floor. I simply rolled my eyes circling him.

As Felix tried standing with great difficulty I looked over towards Pan to see him watching our match. Quickly I looked away and back to Felix. "Come on you're fine.." I mumbled as he got up.

"I'd stay on your toes (Y/N)" Felix said as Pan walked over towards us away from the other Lost Boys. "You are supposed to be fighting. Quit talking!" Pan shouted at us as Felix threw another punch that I ducked under.

"I prefer to taunt while I win." I stated back punching Felix in the gut. I smirked walking away from Felix as he sunk on to the ground groaning. I looked back over to Pan who had his back towards us shaking his head as he walked away.

'Seriously' I thought to myself. Every time I have a fight, or am training I try best to at least grab Pans attention. But instead if I do get his attention he just yells at me for doing something wrong.

"That's not how you throw a dagger
"Pick up the pace (Y/N)!"
"You are tying knots, not bows!"
"I think you need more training."

Quickly I took my hair out of it's ponytail and kicked some dirt walking into the forest for a break. I'm done trying to get his attention, I'm done trying to impress Pan.

It's nice to be the only Lost Girl in Neverland. I mean I think the Lost Boys take me more seriously since I'm a girl. Well some of them. Others think girls are to weak too belong on Neverland.

I found a nice shaded area under a Willow tree to rest for a while. I laid under the tree and looked above me as the sun escaped between the leaves above me.

I closed my eyes after a few minutes and just as I got comfortable with the silence I heard a twig snap in the distance. Quickly I shot up and looked around me.

"Shouldn't you be training?" I heard Pans voice from behind me causing me to quickly scramble onto my feet. "What's training matter? I can't seem to do anything right apparently." I stated walking past him and farther into the forest.

"There is always room for improvement." I rolled my eyes and stopped walking "I don't think so." I said turning to look at him. "Why is it that I am one of the best fighters but you still pick at me like I'm a trainee?"
I asked him as he crossed his arms looking everywhere but at me.

"I think you are weak." He stated finally looking at me. I squinted my eyes at him. "Weak?" I scoffed walking towards him. "I am not weak." I stated standing so close to him that my chest touched his. "I think you are."

I took a step back and tilted my head. "Fight me." I said plainly causing him to laugh humorlessly. I stayed silent til he stopped laughing. "You're serious?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "I'm not weak. I think I can beat you."

I walked around him like Felix had done to me earlier. "I'll fight you. No rules." I smiled and stopped walking. "Okay Pan. Whenever you're​ ready." I said cracking my knuckles.

At one second Pan was in front of me then the next thing I knew he was behind me throwing me into the ground. "Not cool. You can't use magic!" I yelled as he smirked down at me.

"I said no rules." He stated simply before I kicked his legs out from under him. I quickly stood and laughed at his expression. "Shocked?" I asked standing over him.

But justice​ was only short lived till he grabbed my ankle and pulled me down beside him. "Keep your guard up." He said going to stand till I tackled him to the ground.
"You too." I said with a smile.

We stayed in that position in silence for what felt like hours when it was really only a minute. I took to the time to realize just how green his eyes where. But that quickly changed when he flipped me into my back.

I groaned, stretching my back out to ease the pain. "Sorry.." he mumbled under his breath as he smirked at me. "Give up?" He asked as I thought it over.

I sighed and nodded as his smirk turned to a frown. "Why?" I tilted my head up and smiled. "Apparently Peter Pan never fails. And I don't wanna waste my energy just to lose." I stated as he stared down at me.

"It's not cause I am weak. I'm not. I know that and it shouldn't matter if you think I am." He smiled at my comment. "That's one of the reasons I like you."

I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him confused. "What?" I asked "I said that's why I like you, I like that you aren't afraid to stand up for yourself." I smiled and looked back into his bright green eyes.

"You don't actually think I'm weak do you?" I asked as he shook his head and leaned towards me mumbling a "No." I didn't realize what he was about to do till it happened.

Slowly Pan leaned down and connected his lips with mine. I didn't expect his kiss to be to soft and gentle, he isn't a very soft guy. The kiss sadly didn't last as long as I wish it would but as Pan leaned away he gave a cheesy smile.

"I think we should do that more often."

(A/N.      I feel horrible not updating about anything.. I wanna start updating again cause I enjoying writing for everyone.. please send in request if you have any and I hope this was a good request chap. Like and comment what ya think, or what you'd want different so I can fix my writing.. thank you so much for reading. Request are open always!!)

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