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Usually I would write in first person but this time I'm writing in third.  Contains sexual content ;) Also contains mentions of suicide. :(

JD made his way up the drainpipe and climbed through Veronica's bedroom window. "JD?" She asked, shocked as he caught her off guard. "Listen baby girl I know it was very rude of me to push you off like that so I'm here to apologize." He smirked to her as he tried to wrap her into a hug. She pushed him off though and looked away from him. "Get out of my house" She snapped at him. He love it when she was mad, it made her even more adorable. "Veronica. I am trying to be nice so shut the fuck up before I make you." He growled at her, he knew being dominate would turn her on.  "And how would you make me shut up exactly?" She smirked at him. Hook line and sinker. He pulled her closer and started placing rough kisses on her neck. "You could get on your knees." He whispered into her ear.

She smirked at him and followed his orders. This was the JD she missed. "What now baby?" She said acting clueless. He bit his bottom lip and then smirked back at her. "I think you know what to do." She got up off of her knees and then started kissing him. This wasn't what he had in mind but he wasn't complaning. She tugged at the bottom of his shirt telling him that she wanted it off. He happily followed her request and took his shirt off for her. Her kisses then started to trail down his stomach and then stopped. "Come on baby girl, you know what to do."He smirked. She smirked back and then slowly undid his belt buckle. "Actually you know what? I'm not gonna fuck you Jason." She said as she stood up. He was so so confused at what was going on. He tried to grab her but she just got out of this grip. "I'll repeat myself. I'm not fucking you Dean." She told him, getting slightly aggravated, as she handed him his shirt. He slowly but his shirt and he was still confused as anything, but she on the other hand stood there laughing. "I thought you wanted me to fuck you?" He said as he put his flannel on as well. Girls confused him with their almost bipolar ways in sex. One minute they want it more than anything and then the next  mintue they're laughing and giving you your shirt back. "I did. But this isn't you. This is just some act." She told him as she slipped on her robe.

"But Veronica this is me. Sorta. Like I don't wanna be a good preppy boy but I don't wanna like kill people." He sighed as he sat on her bed. "That. Right there. That whole sharing of who you are. That's not you." She sighed as she joined him on the bed. He grabbed her hand and they sat in the silence for what seemed like forever.

"So what are we gonna do?" He asked as a million thoughts ran through his mind. He was thinking about everything that had happened. The three classmates they had killed, the school he had tried to bomb, the suicide attempt, his best friend turned worst enemy and more importantly what they were.  Similar things had been going through her mind until she finally she came to a conclusion that wasn't going to make either of them happy. "I think we gotta break up." She whispered, she didn't want to leave him but she just couldn't be with a guy she didn't know. "I understand." He whispered back. They both started silently crying as she let go of his hand.

They sat there crying for a good hour and a half. The only words muttered were 'pass the tissues.' The sound of her parents car pulling up in the driveway finally started to get them to talk. "That's them." She sniffled as she wiped her nose with the sleeve of her light blue robe. "Do you want me to go now?" He asked not really wanting to leave her. He loved her with all of his heart but he couldn't be someone that he wasn't and she couldn't love someone who wasn't him. "Yeah. I'll see you in study hall." He whispered. He then got off of her bed. "Promise me you won't hurt yourself Veronica." He said as he wiped away a few of his tears.  That just made her feel worse cause the JD she knew would never cry, well at least not in front of her. "I'll try." She whispered back.

He gave  her one last look, it was a mix of love and sadness, and slightly nodded his head. He then snuck out through her window and climbed down the drainpipe. After he left she buried her face into her pillow and started crying as hard as she could not caring if her parents heard her.

JD walked to where he parked his bike, kicking stray pebbles as he walked. He felt bad for what happened with Veronica. He loved her, he truly and honestly did. Even when he went insane he loved her. Everything he did was for her and now it just seemed like a waste. Waste of time, waste of energy and waste of emotions. He didn't regret coming back to Sherwood. It gave him memories with his friends who were now long gone. Again. After Charlie's death and JD waking up from the coma they all went their separate ways. Yasmin moved to LA last he heard. He got on his bike and sighed. He didn't wanna leave the street even. He wanted to be by her side, he wanted to be close to her. But he also wanted her to be happy and to be happy he couldn't be in her life. He sighed and then started riding to his house.

He just lost the love of his life.
She just lost the love of her life.

A/N. And that concludes this story! Thanks for reading!
JK! Got you scared didn't I? No. But sadly this story will be coming to an end in the next chapter. Sorry for taking so long and sorry there was no smut! I couldn't bring myself to write it! Hope you liked it and thank you all for supporting this story! Also what do you think of the way I wrote this?  Good, bad. Eh?  Let me know! And thanks for 1K!!! Love you bye.

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