↠ {39}

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WWE Montreal.

Before The Live Show.

"Is Seth coming to the show tonight?" Sasha asked as we walked down the ramp, making our way to the ring.

We decided to come to the arena early today so we could do a little practice session in the ring and plan our match properly. Sasha and I have never faced each other before, so you can bet it's gonna be interesting.

"Nah. He won't make it in time. It's fine though, it's only one show." I replied.

Seth has been extremely busy the whole week. The last I saw him was Tuesday, and it's already Friday. This is literally the longest time we've been away from each other ever since we started dating and I really miss him.

"You probably miss him like crazy." Sasha said as we climbed into the ring.

"I do alot but I know how important this match at WrestleMania is to him so I really don't mind all these extra training sessions and stuff."

"His career depends on it."

"Exactly. If he loses, that's it! That's the end of the line. The end of his career but I know that won't happen."

"Oh definitely not happening. He's walking out of WrestleMania champion, that's for sure."

"Alright now let's get on with our practice." I said and she nodded.

"Let's put on a good show tonight." Sasha smirked.

"Agreed. We need to make this match legit." I smirked.

"As much as I would love to take the victory, I think you should win this one."

"Aww why?" I asked curiously.

"Because you lost on purpose on Monday and we can't let you go down like that." She replied.

Sasha is so cute. She's putting my career over hers. It's very rare that people will do that. This shows how much she really cares for me and values our friendship.

"Awww babe. You're so sweet." I said and hugged her tight. She hugged back.

"Just looking out for my girl. That's all." She said pulling away.

"I kinda wanna try something new today."

"Okay. What is it?"

"Flash Kick. John and I have been practicing in training and now I wanna do it live." I smiled at her. She looked a little scared and that worried me a little.

"I think you should do it." She said. What a relief.

If I could pull this off. I will have another trick up my sleeve for WrestleMania. Both Bayley and Charlotte aren't here tonight so come WrestleMania, they won't even expect it.

Sasha and I practiced a few moves and planned our match. We decided that we were gonna give the fans of Montreal one hell of a match. We were having a really good time practicing in the ring when suddenly we got interrupted by Scott Armstrong.

"Girls I have some bad news for y'all." Said Scott.

"Okay. What it is?" Sasha asked and then looked at me worried.

"You guys don't have a match tonight." He replied shocking both me and Sasha.

"What?" Sasha asked.

"No they can't just cut us off like that." I said fuming.

"They can and they did."

"Can't you do anything about this?" Asked Sasha, hoping to get a positive answer from him.

"Sorry girls there's nothing I can do about it. I really wish I could help y'all but I can't." He said.

"It's okay. We understand." I said.

I lied. It wasn't okay. I've had enough of the Authority trying to ruin our careers. You can't give someone a match and then on the day of the show, just cut them from the show. NO! I won't let that happen.

Sasha and I left the ring and walked up the ramp.

"We're not gonna let this go. Are we?" Asked Sasha.

I shook my head signaling no. "We were promised a match and we're gonna get it." I said.

"What's the plan?"

"You'll see." I smirked.


WWE Montreal.

End Of The Live Show.

Roman's match had just ended and it was officially the end of the Live Show. Sasha and I jumped over the barricade and climbed into the ring with microphone's in our hands. The crowd started cheering as soon as we took out our hoodies.

"This shows not over until we have our match." I said.

The crowd cheered even louder and then Triple H's theme started to play. Hunter came out and stood on the ramp.

"I hate to break it to you girls but this show is over. You do not have a match tonight. So kindly leave the ring or I'll call security to remove y'all." He threatened.

"I don't think you heard Gabi properly. This show isn't over until we have our match and we are not leaving this ring until we have it." Said Sasha.

The crowd started the 'YES' chants but Hunter didn't care, instead he signaled for security to come out and they did. He instructed them to throw Sasha and I out of the building. I looked at Sasha and she nodded. We weren't gonna go down without a fight.

The security came into the ring and we fought him. Hunter called more security and they came out. Sasha and I didn't care, we hit everyone that came in our way until it became to much for us to handle. Eventually the security pinned us down to the mat and handcuffed our hands behind our backs and threw us out of the building.

Our plan was an epic fail.


The Authority is at it again. What do you think about this chapter? Lemme know!

P.S: Seth will be back soon. 😉

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