Chapter 21

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Tony walks away from my unconscious body, smiling contently. I wake up as the elevator door closes. I want to scream, I want to scream and yell and cry and run away but I can't. I desperately strain myself against the bindings but I can't break free. This is hopeless. Suddenly, the doors open again and stark comes out, holding a paper. "Water, breakfast, torture, love, home." He says quickly. I immediately become stone faced and stare straight ahead. "I'm gonna need you to try and take out the avengers and all their friends again. Their leader lives in Brooklyn. The address is on this paper." He says, then pressing a button next to me which releases me from the steel cuffs around my limbs. I stand up and he points to the guns and weaponry neatly hung up on the wall behind him. "Bring whatever you think is necessary, then bring more. Oh, and I want you to bring me Captain America's head. Move out." He orders me sharply. I nod to his request and then walk past him, scanning the weapons wall for everything I need. Automatic assault rifle, glock, Winchester, knife, throwing knives, sniper rifle. I find and take all I need, strapping and clipping them to my armor. Stark opens the garage door and I head out. I can't fail this time.

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