Catch a Tiger

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You know the old diddy, eney meany miney moe, catch a tiger by his toe, right? Well we caught a tiger, but we're hollerin' for his owner. Alun De la Terre. What a guy. Son to Exalted Rein De la Terre and orphanage proprietress Soleil De la Terre. Nephew to King Consort Exalted Noll de Keizer and Pater Sindri De la Terre. But he is still humble in his position. 

When asked about growing up in an household with children who have no blood relation, Alun answered with this. 

"They're family still. Most of them come and go, but no one was left out. [Did you ever feel like your parents paid more attention to those kids than you?]. No, *chuckles* no never. I had to help early on because dad was becoming Clan Leader, so he was going back and forth a lot. [Did that put a strain on the family?] Yes. That winter was terrible and we hadn't heard from him for six months. [Wow]. Yeah, the orphanage was overflowing with kids. We lost one because he had been beaten and left to die during a snow storm....It tore at mom's heart. When dad came home, it was the first time I heard mom and dad argue with each other. [Your father yelled?] Yes, it was the first time I'd heard him raise his voice in anger. It scared me so badly, I ran downstairs and got between them.  [So the orphanage was moved to Forseti]. He nodded his head and smiled.

"It was funny because my mother was on the airship with fourteen kids. Us older kids weren't too bad, but the younger ones couldn't keep still."

We asked him about the differences between Rohkeus and Svarga. He spoke about the weather, of course, being different and the landscape. His description of the people was something to be noted. 

"Rohkeus is a harsh place with warm people. It's the cold. The cold makes you grow closer to one another. It's something that everyone in Rohkeus can relate to." [What about Svarga?] "Mm, Svarga is so different." {There are more elves.] "Yes, there are. It was a shock to me because there would barely be any elves in Rohkeus. When I came to Svarga I couldn't stop staring. Although, I will say that they stared too." [Why?] "Because I'm a half elf. In the city, there are a few but in Forseti, I was the only one." [Did they treat you badly?] "No." [Is that because of who your father and uncles are?] "Probably." We all broke out in laughter at his honest answer. His smile was refreshing to see. "Forseti is filled with warm people too," Alun continued. "I like to think of both places as my home." 

Going from the subject of people to family, we were curious on his relationship with them. 

[Tell us about your relationship with your family.] ".... My whole family?" His eyes widening. [Not the entire family. How about your cousins?] "We get along well....Sorry," he laughed embarrased by the pause. [It's okay.] "I haven't seen them in a long time, so this is difficult." 

Little did he know that we asked them to join us. When the other two De la Terres appeared, Alun rushed to hug them. Our team watched as the cousins greeted each other and then sat down. It reminded us of when we brought all three of the De la Terre brothers together.

"This is such a surprise," Alun confessed. "Thank you." [We wanted to see what they had to say about you too, so we asked them to come in.] 

"I told you he would cry," Lein commented. [Does he always cry?] "When you do something really moving." [Who is the cry baby?] Crown Prince Robyn points at Lein, who is pointing at Alun, who isn't pointing at all. "How am I the crybaby?" she asked Crown Prince Robyn.

"When we were children, you wouldn't stop," he answered. "You're also the troublemaker."

Lein turned to us. "They were both boring. Our first summer together was at Uncle Noll and Aunt Birdie's. All of our parents wanted us to play together and so on. My mother rides with me on the airship and in the carriage to the palace. Like all regular kids, my eyes go big and round when I see the palace. Oooo, sparkly! I get out of the carriage and there they are." She pointed at her cousins. "Standing at the top of the steps, in all of his regalia, like a statue, was Robyn. Next to him was an equally boring looking Alun." [Were they intimidating?] "No. They looked silly. Alun tried to pick me up, so I kicked him in the shin." 

"It was the strongest kick I'd ever received from any five year old," Alun said. [What happened next?] "She stepped on Robyn's foot." 

"She broke my foot," Crown Prince Robyn clarified. "She also cracked the stone step." 

[You're a strong girl.] Lein smiled and patted Alun's arm. "Alun is the strongest now between the three of us." [Does he ever use it against you two?] "Alun is a softy. Here that ladies, he's a strong, handsome gentleman."

Alun blushed. "Robyn is more handsome than me." [You're promoting your cousin over yourself?] "I am, in hopes that he will get a wonderful wife." Crown Prince Robyn hid his face in embarrassment. 

We asked Alun's cousins what his best qualities are.

"He's loyal," the Crown Prince stated. "He doesn't ever think badly of people, and always wants to give them the benefit of the doubt."

"He cares for people," Lein followed up. "In ways I couldn't. When he asks you what's wrong, you can tell he wants to know." 

What a guy. What a friend and boy. Alun De la Terre.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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