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The thing that's always hard for me to understand is betrayal. Of any kind. Whether it's a relationship, a friendship, a business deal...anything. What possesses anyone to turn their back on someone who trusts them? I wish I knew the answer. It would really help me when speaking to certain people. Somehow it's a lot easier for me to focus on other people's issues. I would happily ignore my entire life and help someone else with theirs. I can't tell if that is because I want to run from my problems (it probably is) or if I just feel the need to put other people before myself. It must be a combination of the two. I also love making other people smile or laugh. So it can't be a totally selfish thing. Sometimes it's hard for me to figure out things about myself. But the one thing I couldn't do is betray someone's trust. Unless of course there was a really good reason. Like they deserve to get stabbed in the back. And I don't usually feel that way about anyone so...they probably would have to do something really bad. Going back in time is obviously not a thing but moving forward is really hard for certain people. I don't really know how I do it. I think living in the past is really bad for your mental health. Moving forward, in my opinion, is being able to not let negative emotions control your daily life. It could ruin so many future relationships. 

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