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I sat down with Author, LC Cooper this afternoon for a quick interview on her latest book. I'm excited to bring it to you here on wattpad!

CJ: LC, how has this new book come about?

LC: Just Hold Me is my latest novel. It came about due to current events, recent elections, the increasing stories of extra-terrestrials in the news, the possibility of human-hybrids, and the U.S.-Mexico border. These issues on the news medias and social medias are of interest to many of my readers.

CJ: Can you tell us about the genre?

LC: The genre of this new book is a mash-up of Historical, Political, SciFi, and Romance.

CJ: How are the characters creating the mood?

LC: The protagonist, Ed McGraw, is a paranoid conspiracy theorist, who, as a world traveled photo journalist, must come to grips with his past to save the future of his marriage.

CJ: Does this story have a meaning you wish to express?

LC: Yes, I believe we will soon face the situation where humanity evolves, once again, as a result of extra-terrestrial intervention.

CJ: Are you excited about writing for this Camp NaNo WriMo Contest?

LC: Yes, because I love to write and the time pressure spurs me on.

CJ: Do you recommend this type of contest writing to new writers? explain?

LC: No, because writers who have already published their first novel have experience and have worked through much of the doubt that can come when writing. That being said, NaNo WriMo has a , too.

CJ: In closing, LC can you tell your readers what is next on the horizon for their reading pleasure?

LC: Next on the writing table is a sequel to Just Hold Me, called T.H.U.D., followed by, Chocolate Barbells; which will be a Romantic Comedy sequel to Christmess (a John and Jennifer Adventure). Also, I intend to complete two more novels waiting in the wings; Fortune Island-- the third in the Collen Rogerro Adventure Series and Second Chance -- a medically ethical "What if?" novel.

CJ: Wrapping this up, I'd like to thank you LC for sitting down with me today and giving your fans and followers a glimpse into this new Camp NaNo WriMo writing project! Good luck to you on this endeavor and keep us up to date when these next novels go to publish!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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Interview - A Sit Down With LC CooperWhere stories live. Discover now