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As we came closer to the school we noticed there was a pretty good sized crowd at the front of the school. They were obviously waiting for the doors of the school to open. A couple looked at Gary's truck as he drove down the road and I instantly picked out the people I had to look out for and the people I needed to impress.

My brother pulled up to the school, took his truck out of gear and reved up his engine creating a big scene for me.

"Good luck kid," he says with a wink.

I look over at him and give him a devilish grin,"Gary can you do me a REALLY big favor?"

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, though the rest of his face hinted that he was amused. He cracked a grin and started chuckling,"I have a feeling I'm gonna enjoy this."

I told him my plan then started gathering up my things. We pull up to the drop off area making sure to take our time earning more watchers from the crowd letting them get a good look at Gary's red 2nd gen dodge. He reves it up again just for good measure and I had to crack a smile.

Now it's up to me. I took a big breath before opening my door and letting Bad to the Bone blast out of the speakers as I got out of the truck. Picking me head up I strutted across the drop off circle and up to the crowd. My long brown hair swishing behind me really made my eyes pop. Not to mention my fitting shirt, blue jeans, and boots making me look REALLY stylish.

As I shut the truck door, Gary drove off to the high school rollin coal. Not a lot where it looks like your just stupid, but not so little that you make a fool out of yourself.

Altogether, I look like I bad ass. As all this is happening I have now gained the attention of EVERYONE in the crowd. As I walk toward them, this one particular girl stands out in my vision.

She keeps jumping up and down while pumping her fist screaming, "WE FINALLY HAVE ANOTHER LEGIT COUNTRY GIRL HERE!!!!!!"

I couldn't help but watch her for a little bit I'll have to make an effort to hang out with her latter. But I soon regain focus in my grand entrance as only one thought comes in my mind.

DON'T trip over yourself.

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, I reach the sidewalk where the crowd is. For some reason they all split apart making me a path directly to a boy.

He's built sturdy so I know he takes athletics seriously, probably the star player for everything. He stands there with his mouth hanging down like a codfish devouring me with his eyes.

I decide to play it off and own it. I get closer and stop right in front of him. Everyone there is dead silent waiting for something to happen between us. I give him a once over, then I start shaking my head and said, "In your dreams playboy," as soon as I say that the bell rings so I duck my shoulder around him and walk to the door. Taking one look over my shoulder I see everyone staring at me, some with their mouths open just like the boy's. I give them a smirk and walk in the building bee lining it straight to my first class as what just happened plays on repeat in my mind.

The next person to enter the classroom is that girl that kept screaming. She sees me and runs over to my desk taking the seat next to me. I look at her raising an eyebrow and she smiles back at me.

"Hi, my name's Lynn. I already know that we're going to be best friends so we might as well get to know each other," she says as she sticks out her hand for me to shake.

I take it and give her hand a gentle squeeze which she returned, "my name's Kassie. I think we will get along pretty well.

We continue talking as the rest of the students fill into the classroom some casting me wary glances. Yup, I can tell this is gonna be pretty good for me.

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