First murder

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The next day I meet them at the assigned place. We walked into the woods further we got the more antsy I got, until i said i'll just go home. They grabbed me I struggled my best grabbing a rock and hitting one in the head unconscious. The friend stood horrified and before the friend could run I repeatedly hit the person in the face letting pent up anger out. I didn't stop until I felt a hand?no no it was claws on my shoulder when I turned around it looked terrifying. Before i could scream the creature covered my mouth. He told me that I was the one..

 His form turned into smoke and entered into me. I was so terrified of what happened I ran home luckily everyone was gone so I quickly cleaned myself of the blood leaving the body's.I tried to forget the events day after day I couldn't handle it... I grew insane. I keep away from everyone made no contact.I was slowly reaching the brick of insanity.

A few weeks passed since the incident and my skin turned more pale, I begin to hear a voice. The voice was so comforting he told me its name.. It was omi.. My family noticed and called me a freak and that was the breaking point..... Everything blurred .. last thing I knew I they were all dead..I ran into the woods from the back of my house not looking back..

 I stumbled a few times till my legs finally gave out. I looked at my reflection in the small puddle before me. My eyes... were pitch black but my irises were still red.. My head had a pair of small horns.

(( Hope you liked it XD))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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