Magic - First Challenge [Second Place]

Start from the beginning

"Oh hey, look." Jasper pointed to the clearing ahead of them. "I think we're at the end of the track."

"No, that's not the end, but I did take you on a scenic route."

"What!? So where are we? I'm not going to get raped am I?! FYI I do have a rape whistle and I'm not afraid to use it!"

Belle was shocked, "What the hell, Jasper? No it's nothing like that, I want to show you the beach. You can only access it from this scenic track."

"Oh right. Sorry. Carry on." He tried to keep his cool, pretending that awkward outburst didn't just happen.

When they reached the top of the hill, they could see the miniature beach down below. Instead of sand there was pearl white shells scattered around until it reached the water, which was a crystal blue colour.

"So what do you think?"

"Yep, it's beautiful. Even more beautiful than you."

"What? You think I'm beautiful?"

"I didn't say that." He winked and ran down the hill towards the water, taking off his checkered shirt.

Belle ran after him screaming, "What do you think you're doing?!"

"What does it look like?" He screamed back, but by this time he was already in the water. "Come on in, the water's fine." He gleamed and Belle couldn't resist the urge to join him.

They both played and swam in the water until the sun had started to go down. They decided it was time for them to get out and dry off.

Belle shivered, "Wow, it's gotten so cold."

"Yeah it has," he crossed his arms to give himself some warmth. "Maybe we can start a fire and dry out a bit before we go back."

Oh how romantic, thought Belle. "Yeah there must be some wood lying around and I bought a match so we're pretty much sorted."

"Great! I'll go find some wood, and you go and sit on the driftwood right there." He pointed to the only driftwood lying there.

"Sure. Hurry back though, it's getting dark."

"Don't worry." He gave another one of his heart-warming smile.

It had only been about 10 minutes when he saw Jasper emerging with a pile of fire wood. Belle hadn't noticed in the water but Jasper had a prominent six pack on his mildly sun kissed body. He's perfect and he even has a v-line. Belle thought quietly as she was mesmerized by the mysteriously handsome boy.

"Here you go." He dumped the wood in front of her feet.

Belle used the match to start a miniature fire, which grew as it devoured the wood. The bright orange flame illuminated their faces and gave warmth to the two cold bodies. They were still a bit cold and decided to put their clothes back on to see if that helped.

Jasper noticed Belle shivering and came closer to her until their sides were touching, he didn't want to try something like putting an arm around her just in case it gave her the wrong idea.

"Hey are you hungry." He asked.

"Yeah a little bit, hey I have some marshmallows in my bag. If we can find some sticks I'm pretty sure we could have some roasted marshmallows, like when you go camping."

"Sounds great." He immediately looked around his feet and found two appropriate sized sticks whilst Belle got out the bag of marshmallows.

They each got a marshmallow and stuck it on the end of their sticks, melting them in the fire. When it was just perfect they would pop it in their mouth and savour the milky and fluffy taste.

They had a few until Belle started a conversation, "So what do you think of Riverwood?"

"I like it, it's quiet and the people are nice and attractive." He smiled smugly.

Belle pushed him with her arm in a playful way. "Do you think you'll stay?"

"I don't know yet, I might move when my family does. I can't guarantee I'll stay forever though. Are you willing to stay in Riverwood forever?"

"Well the place isn't half bad and these are people I've spent the crucial years of my life with. It would be weird to just leave."

"I guess you're right."

"Hey Jasper, do you have a girlfriend?"

He laughed. "No, I don't."

She looked up at him, taking in his beautifully chiselled features. Every feature perfectly proportional to his face. She leaned in closes to him and before she knew it, Belle pressed her lips against his. Jasper's lips were soft and luscious, the perfect type to kiss.

Belle felt like she was in a dream before Jasper pushed her away. "Belle, what do you think you're doing?" He wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

"What? I'm confused. I thought you wanted this."

"What? No I don't want this. I thought we were just friends, this is weird."

"We are, it sure didn't seem that way. I thought you were flirting with me earlier and I thought it was the perfect time to make a move."

"A move? Why would you make a move on me?"

"Well, because you're perfect and I really like you Jasper in a non-friend way."

"I'm sorry Belle but I don't. You clearly don't know much about me."

"What's there to know?"

"Don't you know Belle? I'm gay!"


Words: 1502

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