Chapter 2:Terra Vs Raven

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Hi everyone, I hope you guys will enjoy this story. I had fun typing it. PLEASE COMMENT DOWM BELOW! So, here is the second chapter!

 Disclaimer: I don't own the teen titans or Sonic characters or game/shows. So, don't even ask.

  Back in the kitchen, Starfire and Raven were talking about Beast boy. Starfire:So Raven, are you over the boy of the beast? The alien knew she had a crush on Beast boy, and wondered why she didn't seem to care about him. Raven looked at her weirdly and wondered why Starfire would say anything. Raven:Beast boy? We were never together Star, why would you ask that? Starfire:It's just, you had a crush on the boy of the beast since we started our group. Raven sighs sadly. She knew she had a crush on Beast boy long ago, but she loves Shadow now. She didn't want to break up with him. Besides, she knew that he would never like her, he would always like Terra, whether she's dead or not. Raven:Yeah, Well, he likes stupid Terra and I'm happy with Shadow.

  Terra  then walked into the room. Terra(out of nowhere):Did someone just call me stupid?! Raven and Starfire looks up and saw the blonde girl. They both gasp in shock. They also were wondering how she came back. Wasn't she dead? Raven(mad):Terra! Terra(meanly):Raven. Raven growls. Raven(mad):How did you- Terra cuts her off. Terra(meanly):Oh, you can thank Beast boy for bringing me back. But, you better hurry cuz in 5 minutes, you'll be dead. Starfire(shocked):It's the Terra. Beast boy was watching from afar. The 3 girls didn't notice him. Beast boy sighs sadly. He felt bad for bringing her back, but he wanted to be with someone, since Raven was with Shadow. Beast boy(sadly):Raven...I'm sorry.

  Raven's eyes then glows white. She wanted to attack Terra for what she did long ago. Raven(to Terra):That's what you think. Terra laughs evilly. Terra(meanly):I'm not scared of you, witch. Her eyes then glow yellow. Raven:Bring it on! Beast boy knew what was going on. He didn't like it one bit. Beast boy(scared):I can't watch! He closes his eyes. Starfire(mad):You are the bad! Her eyes glow light green. Terra throws a rock at Raven, but the half demon dodges it. Raven:Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos! She throws Terra across the room with her energies. Raven:Starfire, you should go. I don't want you in tears if I lose. Just then, Terra throws a rock out of nowhere and it hits Raven. She then falls to the ground. Terra laughs evilly. Terra(meanly):Oh, Raven, you can't win.

 Raven gets up. Raven:Oh yeah? She picks up the kitchen table with her powers and throws it at Terra. The blonde girl falls through the wall. Raven and Starfire flies towards her and checks on her. They saw that she was unconscious. Starfire:She is in pain! Raven, you did it! Beast boy opens his eyes. He saw that Terra was hurt. He wanted the fight to stop. Beast boy:Terra! He runs towards them. Beast boy:Terra? Are you okay? Starfire: Boy of the- Beast boy cuts her off. Beast boy(mad): Look violence is never the answer. Raven, I'm mad at you and Shadow. You were being jerks to me, leaving me out all the time, and... Starfire, you & Robin always left me out. Even, Cyborg & Jinx were together. And I...I had nobody...that's why I brought Terra back.

 He was mad, and he just wanted to get all of this off his chest. Raven crosses her arms. She never liked Terra, so she didn't care about their relationship. Raven:Oh, its my fault you can't get a girl, Beast boy? Terra woke up. Terra(mad):Oh no, you didn't! She throws rocks non stop at Raven. Raven blocks. Beast boy:Jerk! He runs off. Just then, Raven realizes something, and stops fighting. She didn't know why Terra wanted to fight her. Raven:Wait, I have no reason to fight , I'm done here. Her eyes stopped glowing white as her hands stopped glowing black. Raven:Go with Beast boy. I don't care. She turns around and goes to make some tea. She needed something to drink since fighting made her thirsty.

 Starfire felt bad for what just happened. She felt bad that Beast boy was alone. Starfire:I am the sorry. I did not notice that me & the Robin's relationship bothered the green beast. Terra glares at Raven evilly. Terra(quietly):I'm so glad you feel that way, Raven. Her eyes glow yellow again as she makes a rock appear above Raven's head. Raven was too busy making tea to notice. Terra moves her hand as the rock falls and lands on Raven. The half demon screams in pain. Terra dances in victory. Terra(happily):I did it! I can't believe I won! I killed Raven! Whohoo! She runs out the door to where Beast boy was. Starfire:Raven! She flies towards her and throws the rock off Raven.

 She then starts to cry. She didn't like to see her friends hurt or dying. Starfire(cries):Raven! okay? Raven!

END OF CHAPTER. I know I left it on a cliffhanger.  Will Raven be alright? Read in the next chapter to find out!

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