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Hello, I was tagged by SeptiplierChildren and I have to do twelve facts about me so, here we go.

1. I have never seen the lion king or Titanic.
2. I have never played uno or monopoly.
3. I can wiggle my ears and make a purr-like sound.
4. I have about 105 stuffed animals (yes, I estimated) 
5. I have moved 3 times.
6. I've scared my parents twice because they said I once got really sick and almost died. 
7. I found wattpad because of RobertIDK.
8. I still sleep with plushies.
9. I love nature.
10. I am a tomboy.
11. I've never gotten a detention or bad grades. My uniform and conduct have always been A's.
12. I am addicted to YouTube and wattpad.  XD

There.  I has done it. I want to tag:
Daisy_potatoes and

I suggest you go follow them, they are amazing people and are very cool.  See you guys in the next chapter bye :3

Wolfie dog eyes -septiplierWhere stories live. Discover now