Wolf spirit

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Sasha quickly made it to the training hollow she sat down next to a log where all the wolves were facing them all was a dark brown wolf with amber flaring eyes he snarled at Sasha."Your late. "he rasped in a crusty voice."you missed the last lesion on how to catch rabbits I'm disappointed in you..." My name is Sasha sir." She said in a proud voice he looked at her with amber blazing eyes "Don't look too pleased with yourself Sasha." He snarled and turned around, she flinched when she saw all the wolves eyeing her."Hay Sasha!" Sasha looked up to see a grey speckled she wolf it was Misty."Misty!"she barked happily ,though was a little too loud when the teacher turned around and snarled."Quiet Sasha!" And carried on talking about how to creep up on foes."Long time no see!" Misty barked."Its been ages hasn't it!" She laughed cheerfully."Oh this is Kita my training partner." Sasha echoed "training partner?" She looked at Kita. "What's a training partner?" Misty smiled."Your new aren't you " Kita smiled and barked "I remember when I was new." Sasha looked up at asked."Why didn't you visit me I was worried you know!" Kita and Misty both looked at each over "Dose she know the rules?"Kita barked. "I don't think so." Misty said "Guys what are you saying?" Sasha looked at them confused."you'll find out " Misty frowned, Kita looked at her with pity "I'm so sorry Sasha " Kita said sorrowfully. Sasha looked at her confused "sorry about w-" "Sasha!" She turned around and saw the dark brown wolf with the most beautiful she wolf Sasha ever saw. Sasha stood up and padded towards the boulder that they stood on."greetings Sasha." She smiled and leaped down from the rock and landed lightly on her feet while the rock like brown wolf just managed to land on his feet with a thud . She bent down towards Sasha and whispered in her ear "Welcome

Sasha " Her eyes widened "Are you silver?" "Yes". She smiled.

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Wolf spirit sashas dawnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang