Part #2:

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      Timothy continued to visit his lady, telling her about everything he'd seen or done while he was away. She shared her apples and he spoke to her. The year's went on this way, and just like always his words seemed to light something inside of her.

     He would always remind​ her of how she was the most magnificent tree he had ever seen. And she listened eagerly to anything he had to say. His words always warmed her heart and nourished the veins in her branches. She thought to herself, *I love this boy.*

     One day, Timothy came to the forest to visit his lady again. As he got closer his lady noticed that Timothy seemed angry and a bit upset. "Teachers at my school don't make sense!" Timothy ranted.
     "My lady, you wouldn't believe what I got in trouble for today. My teacher Mr. James yelled at me in front of the whole class, because supposedly I wasn't paying attention to his lesson." Timothy said pacing back and forth.

    "I was listening, it's just I was making poetry at the same time. It's no use." Timothy sighed. He sat down and leaned against his lady's trunk. "He thinks poetry is stupid. But I know you understand my lady."

     His lady agreed. *Poetry is beautiful. But your teacher doesn't have a good mind like you. That is why he doesn't understand, but it will be okay,don't worry.*

     Timothy laughed. "The poem I made was about you. I wanted to read it to you. I know it's silly to think you are really listening, but sometimes it feels like you are."

     His lady pondered on what to do. She wanted him to know that she really was listening. She thought hard, and then she remembered the day she first caught his eye.

     She remembered how she had lured him in by dropping an apple, so that is what she did. She wiggled her branches and dropped one of her apples.

     Timothy's face was puzzled, he thought maybe it was just a coincidence. His lady could tell that Timothy didn't understand, so she let one of her leaves fall, once again to land beside the apple.

     His golden brown eyes grew in size as he watched the green leaf float to the ground. Timothy grinned, and his grin grew wider. He bursted with laughter as he realized his lady was not like any ordinary tree.

     From that day on, any time Timothy came up with new poetry he would lay in his lady's branches and share his work with her.


                  *.              *.              *. 

Timothy's poem is in the picture above this part of the story.... It is a completely innocent poem plz don't let ur head go to the gutter it wasn't intended to be inappropriate :P 

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